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What complaint I gave it to USA, Livermore Police, CA On 16/July/2003
What Complaint I gave to Livermore Police / CA/ USA?
Complaint on 16/July/2003: On 15/July/2003 I gave oral complaint to "Livermore Police, CA, USA" regarding Iraq war and World Trade Center Attack. Livermore Police and FBI couldn't figure out what is the complaint. On 16/July/2003 8.30 am, I gave written complaint to Livermore Police that says that USA has been trapped by England by false Intelligence report made by "Iraq weapon Inspector David Kelly".Click below link to get soft copy of my Livermore Police complaint and then you can read. 


Click here for Complaint document: 
You can call if you want and say my SSN and Ask for what complaint I gave them: 
My SSN No. in USA: 614-17-8529
Livermore Police CA/USA 
Ph No :001-925-371-4710,
Fax No: 001-925-371-4707
(Remember you won't correct information from them because my records are hidden and confidential)
What happen after I gave complaint?
1) Complaint on 16/July/2003: On 15/July/2003 I gave oral complaint to Livermore Police/CA/USA regarding Iraq war. Livermore Police and FBI couldn't figure out what is the complaint. On 16/July/2003 8.30 AM I gave written complaint to Livermore Police that says that USA has been trapped by England by false Intelligence report made by Iraq weapon Inspector David Kelly. 
2) Two agents from USSS came to my apartment in USA: Two agents from "US Secret service" Field office SAN FRANCISCO Ph No 001-415-744-9026 came to my apartment on 16/July/2003 after 5 pm in USA and requested for documents that I prepared. I faxed later to them. From 19/July/2003 to 22/July/2003. 
My SSN No. in USA: 614-17-8529
(Remember you won't correct information from them because my records are hidden and confidential)

3) World tread center attack: I wrote in report that find out who are others attend in “Dinner Diplomacy” and where they were in when World tread center collapsed. Hours before Dr. David Kelly death he wrote in email  that “Many dark actors playing games” that means some other were exist. US Intelligence found all dark side players and pulled all other information and killed Dr. David Kelly. US Intelligence have information what they pulled information from Dr. David Kelly. World tread center attack reason could be anything. May be “England oil problem”, “Jerusalem (Israel) problem”, and other problems. 

4) CIA director: Israel "Prime Ministor Arial Sharon" (Now he is in COMA) came to power on 6/Feb/2001. "CIA Director George Tenet" negotiated a cease-fire between Israel and Palestine. What was the purpose George Tenet to attend peace process when George Tenet  used to work as CIA Director. I told officer in Liver more police on 23/July/2003 arrond 10.30 am that some of CIA working for other. So US commission grilled CIA Director George Tenet and removed from his Director position after 17/july/2003: 

5) New York Blackout: There was New York blackout (Lifting of electric power) on Aug/2003. But US GOVT didn’t blame on terrorist instead USA did blackout in entire London City within short time in 2003. 
6) Pentagon has my file: Pentagon did investigation on me whether I agent or something. They have my complete records which they were investigated on me from 15/July/2003. 

7) US and UK relation: I created relation problem between USA and England.  after 17/July/2003. Did you notice communication between UK PM Tony Blair and USA President GW Bush got handicapped. Bush is not visiting UK and Blair not visiting USA frequently. Don't you have question now that why Tony Blair and Bush not giving joint political statments in Press meet? 

8) Increase of security for Mr. Bush: That is the reason US secrete service increased heavy security for Mr. Bush after 17/July/2003, all time especially when Mr. Bush went to England first on 20/Nov/2003 after 17/July/2003. Later Mr. Bush had gone Europe tour but he didn’t go England after 20/nov/2003 I mean for two years. Last time on July/2005 GW Bush visited Scotland in UK for G8 summit which was mandatory to visit in UK.. 

9) Shutdown his foreign policy: After 17/July/2003 to till now GW Bush shut his mouth doing his business and shutdown his foreign policy in his second term of  Presidential election. 

My USA SSN No is: 614-17-8529

You may have one question for me that you gave such a valuable information to USA why USA didn't disclose this information to world. The answer is Muslims hats Jews (religion), when Muslims know that Israel Prime Minister Arial Sharon (Who is Jew and now he is in COMA) involved in Iraq war (Muslims stays in Iraq) then world wide Muslims gets crazy and Iraq Govt, USA and England will get in to big problems. 

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