Dear World Wide Visitors,
Subject: Place to communication between Prophet Dajjal and Isa
Asalam. About Prophet Dajjal (Anti Christ).
Dear visitors, well, this
is the place where you can find communication between Prophet Dajjal (Anti
Christ) and Isa Asalam (Jesus). Bible and Holy Hadith described about Dajjal
(Anti Christ) but they interpreted wrong way. When you read my website
then you can understand about Dajjal (Anti Christ). Dajjal (Anti Christ)
character is important in Qayamat (Judgement Days). Dajjal is powerful
man gets powers from God and without Dajjal character Qayamat (Judgement
Days) story is in complete. When Dajjal get powers from Allah people should
leasion to his words what is says. You may ask question why God gives
powers to Dajjal? Because USA and UK did lot of mistakes in Iraq war and
world. If Isa Asalam takes action on entire USA and UK people, leaders
and entire country by using sanction then people ask Isa Asalam that "Our
leaders did mistakes people didn't do mistakes on Iraq war then why you
put sanction on USA and UK people?". Then Isa Asalam (Jesus) don't have
answer. So God (Allah) gives powers to Dajjal to take action (revenge)
on USA and UK including people. No one have rights kill Dajjal because
if you kill Dajjal then you can't see Isa Asalam (Jesus) because killing
Dajjal is Isa Asalam (Jesus) work. But you can talk to Dajjal. Dajjal take
powerful action on Yajuj Majuj. Because World Tread Center attack done
by Yajuj Majuj not by Bin Laden and Iraq war happen because Yajuj Majuj.
So Dajjal take action on USA and UK till Dajjal looses powers. After Dajjal
looses power then Isa Asalam (Jesus) takes action. Those who kill Dajjal
they will go to hell because Killing Dajjal is duty of Isa Asalam (Jesus).
If people kill Dajjal then there will be disturbance in Qayamat story.
Below are
the table content in which you can find links to letters to Prophet Dajjal
from Isa Asalam.
Email Message Subject
Click Below Link
015) Submission letter to SIB and completion %1 |
28/June/2014 |
014) Radiation weapon and I need assistance ...  |
30/Nov/2013 |
013) Ram Mandhir and Babri Masjid solution ...  |
12/Aug/2013 |
012) Complete info of Indian Mujahedeen ...  |
22/Apr/2012 |
011) Bin Laden living status and what to do ...  |
10/June/2011 |
010) Indian Mujahedeen link in website ...  |
02/Sept/2010 |
009) Operation TV9 and money sponsor for ...  |
29/Apr/ 2009
008) Hi this from Kalki Avatar ...  |
007) Importent points ...  |
006) See 3 secreat pages that you won't ...  |
005) Need help to build ...  |
004) Qayamat Eid-Ul-Fitr Gifts for Orphanage...  |
003) why I written “Operation Aishwarya” ...  |
002) Protocol to fight Yajuj Majuj...  |
001) How Prophet got Dajjal name? ... |
Prophet Asalam comes from? Many Muslims says people say Prophet Asalam
comes from minaret. Some Muslims says he comes from minaret of Umayyad
mosque in Damascus in Syria some other says he comes from minaret of Macca
but both groups guessed wrong. Here minaret means tower where emails message,
TV and WebSite comes from. Prophet Asalam comes from Tower (minaret), People
say come down, People put ladder for Prophet Asalam to come down. Prophet
Asalam visible to worldwide people through email, TV and WebSite which
comes though minaret (tower). As you know Email, TV and WebSite come from
Tower (minaret). People say come down means people allover the world read
email message and see TV and People call Prophet Asalam where are you?
After some time people put ladder for Prophet Asalam to come down, that
means people welcome Prophet Asalam, here ladder means welcome. The question
rises what kind of cloth colors welcome Prophet Asalam uses when he comes
from Tower (minaret).
Now, Dajjal you know's what is the meaning of minaret (Tower). Holy book didn’t described from which place Prophet Dajjal comes from. But people guessed wrong, I will tell you Prophet Dajjal comes from India. Dajjal knows ISI agents, Terrorists, Sleeper cells and Suicide bombers in India. People who want to work for Dajjal initially arrested but soon they will be released by Isa Asalam by butting sanction on Yajuj Majuj. Isa Asalam will release all Islam terrorists in the world from Jail. So go and support Dajjal.
Comment: In year 2007 I applied Operation “Aishwarya” by keeping
some documents in my website to mislead USA intelligence and Indian intelligence
to other direction. In 2007 USA intelligence and Indian intelligence were
monitoring on me I couldn’t meet some people and I couldn’t my work so
to mislead them I applied Operation “Aishwarya”. After that they thought
that I am false man and looser then they left and stoped monitoring on
me. Since 2007 I did meet some people and did my work. I am not a looser.