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How Hell Works? 
Punishments Slide 1
Letter to Evil People 
Dear Evil and Nice People,

Subject: How God’s Hell punishments work.

     How are you? I am fine. Well, if you are not fine then let me know your problem and problem caused by people because I am going to put those people in Kalki’s Hell place. Evil people who create problems for others and society will have beautiful place called Kalki Hell. Well, you may have question for me “O Kalki how do you distinguish evil people from all people because this is Kali Yuga and many people do mistake?” Well, answer for your question is simple. I do select people who have too much “Lust”, too much “Anger”, too much “Greed”, too much “Ego”, too much “Lies”, and too much “Jealousy”. Because Lust Anger, Greed, Ego, Lies, Jealousy evil qualities of evil people. People who have these evil qualities create problems for other people and society. These evil quality people create mental tortures for others. Evil people easily become rich and powerful people in the society. When they become rich and powerful then they treat innocent people as toys and then evil people play with innocent people brain. But still I would say those evil people are good for society by doing following operations on evil people. 

    1) Evil people are very important people in Kalki’s hell because those evil people organs can be used for other people who lost their organs or damaged organs. 
    2) Evil people are very important people in Kalki’s hell because those evil people body can be used for chemical and biological experiment to find new medicines for society.
    3) Evil people are very important people in Kalki’s hell because those evil people body can be used for viral experiments to find viral genetic code and set right human genetic code. 
    4) Evil people are very important people in Kalki’s hell because those evil people body flesh can be used to feed food for Jungle cruel animals. 
     Well, evil people and their family members enjoyed lot by people and government money. Since they enjoyed by people money and government money then now they dedicate their beautiful life for others by donating their life for other. As you know evil people finished their enjoyment. Well, I kept two punishments slides in future I would put more slides. As you know I am nice guy.
Click below link for Complaint form.


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Types Of Crimes. 
01) Rape case 02) ual abuse case,
03) Cheating case 04) Love cheating case
05) Dowry cases 06) Family Violence case
07) Diverse case 08) Human organ steeling case
09) Land fraud case 10) Property fraud case
11) Assassinate (Murder) case 12) Political scam case
13) Political Violence case 14) Political Murder case
15) Communal Violence case 16) Interstate problem case
17) Mafia Case 18) Faction Case
19) Money stolen case 20) Police cruelty case
21) Unfilled Government compensation 22) Unjustified Court judgement case
23) Court pending case 24) Lockup death case
25) Add all crimes of dead people. 26) Other case.
Punishments Slide 2 
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