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Who did World Trade Center Attack (911)? Part 1
You need to read entire page, you will know who really did "World Trade Center" attack in USA
This Web Page contains following information.
Index Section
Click Below Link
1) Introduction Letter From Kalki Avatar.
2) World Trade Center Attack Movie Clips 
3) Bin Laden didn't do World Trade Center Attack 
4) What is Anthrax? How it get's controlled? 
5) What I did in USA (My final days in USA (15/7/2003 to 23/7/2003). 
6) Proof David Kelly got killed on 17/July/2003. 
7) What happen after I gave complaint? 
8) Missing evidence in World Trade Center Attack 
1) Introduction Letter From Kalki Avatar.
Dear Visitors, 
    Subject: Why WTC attack took place?
       Well, You might have seen many WebSite regarding World Trade Center Attack but this WebSite is something different then others. Well, I decoded code all information by based on Nostradamus predictions, Holy Book Bible, Koran, Vedas and other books. Those who can’t understand this page for them I just want to say see WTC Movie Clips that I kept in Section 2 and leave for others read entire page and do analysis. 

         I divided World Trade Center Attack information into two parts. PART 1 page contains information regarding WTC Movie Clips, Anthrax, Bin Laden, David Kelly assassination, my complaint letter, WTC missing evidence. PART 2 page is still under construction, PART 2 will have missing criminal face pictures. Well, Let me introduce my self, I am Kalki Avatar and I am from India. I was in USA when WTC attack took place but I was in Bay Area / California. I am the one who gave four pages of complaint to Livermore Police/CA/USA on 16/July/2003. I spent nearly 46 days to decode intelligence information. By based on my information Iraq weapon Inspector and scientist Dr. David Kelly got kidnapped from near his house /London/ United Kingdom, pulled “dark side Players names ” and information and then got assassinated on 17/July/2003. If I had not given complaint letter to Livermore Police Dr. David Kelly wouldn’t have killed and USA fait would have been different after 17/July/2003. Well, USA Govt have good habit of putting nice people in Jail, So they did same thing to me. They took me to Arizona State and put me in Jail from 23/July/2003 to 5/Sept/2003 with out court trail. Who cares all these? I am still alive. USA FBI has collected lot of information regarding WTC. Even if something happens to USA then USA won’t get provoked on Middle East but they go different direction. 

1) Why WTC and Anthrax attack took place? 
Answer: This is complicated question and it has complicated calculation. Well, I give you simple clue, The clue is As you know USA army bases exist in all over the world, What if some invisible enemy destroy entire USA by Nuclear and Biological Weapons then who is going to control all USA army bases in the world? Don’t you think again one more time colonial rule? That is the reason I told this is complicated calculation, do analysis your self. Do you know USA army base total count increased by 2 after WTC attack? Afghanistan, Iraq, what is next? 

2) Why Iraq weapon Inspector and scientist Dr. David Kelly assassinated? 
Answer: If WTC and Anthrax attack had not happen USA (Bush) wouldn’t have provoked and attack on Iraq. Iraq War had happened because false weapon of mass destruction report prepared by scientist Dr. David Kelly. If scientist Dr. David Kelly had not given false report Iraq war wouldn’t have happened. But one picture in BBC News shows that scientist Dr. David Kelly had meeting with Israel Prime Minister Arial Sharon. But question rises what is the purpose to attend Dr. David Kelly and Arial Sharon when Dr. David Kelly working for Iraq weapon of mass destruction and Arial Sharon working in Israel Prime Minister position. So on this issue I gave complaint to Livermore Police. Well, David Kelly clearly mentioned in his last email COM/4/0076 that “Many Dark actors playing Games”. Because of Dark Actors David Kelly prepared false report on Iraq WMD. So to disclose all character names David Kelly had been kidnapped and later killed. 

At this time I can’t disclose all information. I do disclose more information about pictures that I kept in this page and other information. I am still decoding information. If you want more information then contact FBI or Livermore Police. I kept my identity number and their phone number. 

Message for USA Citizens: Since you are US Citizen, You have legal right to ask and know what went wrong in WTC attack case. Information that I have mentioned in this page is right or wrong. For contact information open FBI Call (202) 324-3000 or use below Livermore Police contact address. 

        My SSN No in USA: 614-17-8529 
        Livermore Police CA/USA 
        Ph No : 001-925-371-4710, 
        Fax No: 001-925-371-4707.

Kalki Avatar. 
USA SSN: 614-17-8529 

Count down started for one more tragedy in America :: Nuclear Blast in America
  Nostradamus Predictions Nuclear Blast in America, Can you avoid? Yes, It is in USA Govt hand. 
One Quatrain in Nostradamus Predictions says that there will be nuclear blast that causes problem. Hints: 
    1) Nuclear blast location is New Land  (Could be any land in America Continent because America Continent discovered 400 years back and it is called new land). 
    2) Nuclear destiny is USA. 
    3) While transporting nuclear one place to other place. 
    4) Who sends it? The one who did WTC Attack! 
Figure out, and do analysis. 
. . .
Count down of Armageddon war just started  

Armageddon war in Judgement days 
Holy book Bible clearly says that in Judgement days world going to see Armageddon war. Which is nothing but Third World War and this war will be final war. There are not two groups but many groups.  And this is complicated war because all religion concepts also plays main role. At the end all religions will be wipeout and ice age (Satya Yuga) starts.
2) World Trade Center Attack Movie Clips
WTC Movie Clip 1 : First Hit Plane
Note for slow internet connection: This is short length video, When you play first time you will see breaks in between play so first let it finish download later move slide bar beginning and play then you will get non break video.

WTC Movie Clip 2 : Second Hit Plain
Note for slow internet connection: This is short length video, When you play first time you will see breaks in between play so first let it finish download later move slide bar beginning and play then you will get non break video.

WTC Movie Clip 3 : Inside WTC
Note for slow internet connection: This is short length video, When you play first time you will see breaks in between play so first let it finish download later move slide bar beginning and play then you will get non break video.

WTC Movie Clip 4 : Tower Collapses 
Note for slow internet connection: This is short length video, When you play first time you will see breaks in between play so first let it finish download later move slide bar beginning and play then you will get non break video.
3) Bin Laden didn't do World Trade Center Attack
Bin Laden didn't do World Trade Center Attack:  

   How can people say "World Trade Center attacked by Bin Laden"  on Sept/11/2001? After "World Trade Center" USA people got attacked by Anthrax  Bacteria. Inside USA Postal department employees got infected by Anthrax Bacteria and some got killed. USA Govt. blamed on Bin Laden. Anthrax is Biological weapon. If Bin Laden had Anthrax  bacteria he could have preserved some Anthrax  Bacteria for other countries like Israel before he use all on USA. Do you know Bin Laden hats Israel more then USA. Israel is place where Muslims enemy Jews lives. Throwing Anthrax Bacteria in Israel is more easy then throwing Anthrax Bacteria in USA. So Bin Laden didn't do World Trade Center Attack (911). Do you know Pilots who drove Planes are very expert and they trained in real time Planes. Bin Laden never accepted for long time that he did "World Trade Center" attack. Only one time Bin Laden accepted that Bin Laden did world tread center attack, that is just few days before 2/Nov/2004 US Presidential elections to confuse USA Presidential elections. Since 2/Nov/2004 Bin Laden Face disappeared from TV Channel. Bin Laden didn't do "World Trade Center" but some body else. I gave enough evidence to USA Intelligence to investigate. You have big question that who did "World Trade Center"? The answer is "Dark actors playing games". Who are "Dark side players"?. I gave enough evidence including picture to USA Intelligence to investigate World Trade Center case. 

       By base on my evidence "Iraq weapon Inspector David Kelly"  got Kidnapped by USA Intelligence on 17/Jyly/2003 evening time from London. "World Trade Center" case has links with Iraq war. Before Assassination of Iraq weapon Inspector of David Kelly, he disclosed all persons information who are related to "Iraq War"  and World Trade Center Attack. 

      I already gave all information to Indian Intelligence SIB/Koti (red color building next to the CBI office building )/ Hyderabad, India. As you know Indian Intelligence is how selfish. They didn't disclose information. 

      Bin Laden told big lie that Bin Laden did world tread center attack. Because of his big lie world wide Muslims getting discrimination from other religion and other countries imposing terrorist law that causing behavior change on Muslims.

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Bin Laden is nothing but Mehadhi Asslam as Muslims another Holy book Hadith says.. Does Bin Laden has another name? Yes, Other then Holy book Koran Muslims has other Holy book called Hadith. In Hadith Holy book says in Judgement days before Hazrat Isa asalam comes. "Mehadhi Asslam"  fight against  "Dajjal"  but Mehadhi Asslam couldn't win war over Dajjal. Then  "Hazrat Isa Asalam"  fight against Dajjal. As you know "Nostradamus Predicted World ends 1999"", as per Nostradamus Predictions  World ended in 1999 (The main sign is "Macca Masjid stone completely became black from white"). Muslims says Hazrat Isa asalam comes after 6 years of start of "Judgement days". So Hazrat Isa asalam (Jesus) has come. Bin Laden is nothing but Mehadhi Asslam as "Holy book Hadith" says..
What happened to Bin Laden hand? He is handicapped?
Above picture Location: ... /3967139.stm

Before few days of 2/Nov/2004 US presidential election Bin Laden released his last videotape. Since then Bin Laden released audio tape but he didn’t released video tape. Why Bin Laden is not releasing video tape when he can able to release audio tape. If there is some secrete behind his face, body or missing organ then Bin Laden can’t release Video tape but Bin Laden can release audio tape. Well, I tell you fact 99.99% Bin Laden lost his hand that is the reason Bin Laden is not coming on Videotape. See above picture and observe at backside of Bin Laden, there are wrinkles (slight folds) on backside blanket. Observe Bin Laden both hand you will find slight angle difference. So some one is there behind the blanket and putting his hand on table to show world that Bin Laden is physically all right. The fact is Bin Laden lost one hand and I don’t know about his legs.  If Bin Laden comes repeatedly on Video tape then Bin Laden will get caught. So that is the reason Bin Laden is not coming on Video tape but Bin Laden is releasing audio tapes. Above picture collected from WebSite when Bin Laden released his last video tape few days before of 2/Nov/2004 US presidential election i.e. two years back.
4) "What is Anthrax"? How it get's controlled?
What is Anthrax?
 Anthrax is bacteria also call evil cells that affects negative way on human body cells. I mean Anthrax bacteria eat our body cells. When human body affected by Anthrax bacteria, person will face death if that person don't take medication. These Anthrax bacteria not created by human but these Anthrax bacteria collected from Anthrax bacteria effected person and grown in laboratory. So grown Anthrax bacteria are used as Biological weapon. Anthrax bacteria are not easy accesses to common man but highly secured Military has got easy accesses.
How Anthrax get's controlled?
 If Anthrax bacteria affected in some area then human can’t enter that area without any precaution because Anthrax bacteria will affect human and then that person will be killed if that person don't get medication. Above pictures shows that how we should take precaution when person enters Anthrax bacteria affected area. Hand covers, mask, and anti Anthrax bacteria spray etc. 
How "Anthrax affected USA"?
 In 2001 when World Tread Center attacked, Anthrax bacteria found in letters in postal department. Anthrax bacteria infected postal department staff and some were died. USA couldn't catch any persons. When person through Anthrax bacteria, he should use hand covers, facemask and anti Anthrax bacteria spray. But non-of Anthrax bacteria thrown person had been killed by Anthrax bacteria or got caught by USA FBI. That means person who thrown Anthrax bacteria used Anthrax bacteria precaution material like hands covers, mask and anti Anthrax bacteria spray. If Bin Laden had Anthrax bacteria and anti Anthrax bacteria material he could have preserved some Anthrax bacteria for other enemy countries like Israel. Because Bin Laden hat Israel more then USA. Sending Anthrax bacteria to Israel is easier then sending Anthrax bacteria to USA. But that didn't happen that means somebody did it same way World Tread Center attacked. So Bin Laden didn't do World Tread Center attack but some "Dark actors played" did this game". Read below section. 
5) What I did in USA (My final days in USA (15/July/2003 to 23/July/2003).  
My USA SSN No- 614-17-8529 
What I did in USA (my final days in USA). SSN-614-17-8529 

1) Complaint on 16/July/2003: On 15/July/2003 I gave oral complaint to Livermore Police/CA/USA regarding Iraq war. Livermore Police and FBI couldn't figure out what is the complaint. On 16/July/2003 8.30 AM I gave written complaint to Livermore Police that says that USA has been trapped by England by false Intelligence report made by Iraq weapon Inspector David Kelly.Click below link to get soft copy of my Livermore Police complaint and the you can read. 
My USA SSN No is: 614-17-8529 

2) Two agents from USSS came to my apartment in USA: Two agents from "US Secret service" Field office SAN FRANCISCO Ph No 001-415-744-9026 came to my apartment on 16/July/2003 after 5 pm in USA and requested for documents that I prepared. I faxed later to them. From 19/July/2003 to 22/July/2003. 

My SSN No. in USA: 614-17-8529
(Remember you won't correct information from them because my records are hidden and confidential)

3) World tread center attack: I wrote in report that find out who are others attend in “Dinner Diplomacy” and where they were in when World tread center collapsed. Hours before Dr. David Kelly death he wrote in email  that “Many dark actors playing games” that means some other were exist. US Intelligence found all dark side players and pulled all other information and killed Dr. David Kelly. US Intelligence have information what they pulled information from Dr. David Kelly. World tread center attack reason could be anything. May be “England oil problem”, “Jerusalem (Israel) problem”, and other problems. 

6) Proof David Kelly got killed on 17/July/2003.  
Proof David Kelly mentioned “Many dark actors playing games” in Email.
Below picture collected from BBC news website: .... /3067843.stm. And compared  with other David Kelly pictures. 
Compare below pictures
Compare below pictures
I did sharp Picture with Image processing software.
Image with out sharp and original picture from BBC
Email message: Final email from Iraq Weapon Inspector David Kelly
    Below picture image is Email message final email from Iraq Weapon Inspector David Kelly to unknown person. This email written by Dr. David Kelly to some one on 17/July/2003 at 11:18 AM  Just 5 hours before he had kidnapped and then killed. This email image collected from "Lord Hutton enquiry web site". Lord Hutton is the person who staying in London/England and did enquiry about cause of death of Iraq weapon Inspector David Kelly.  This Email file no is "COM/4/0076". If David Kelly  had lived 2 more days he would have disclosed names of "Dark side playes" in public. 

Nostradamus Quatrain 49: Iraq weapon Inspector David Kelly
Quatrain 49: Before the people, blood will be spilt from the sky it will not come but for long time will not heard the sprit of one shall bear witness to it. 

A particularly interesting and unambiguous quatrain which predict the secret of a popular figure, possible by the authorities in a totalitarian State. Attempts to keep matters under wraps fail eventually due to the intervention of  witness to the atrocity. Unfortunately Nostradamus fails to pinpoint any specific location for these events. 

Nostradamus Quatrain 49 mention about one  popular figure, That  popular figure got assassinated on 17/July/2003 in London/England, He was "Iraq weapon Inspector David Kelly" . But "Hutton Investigation say's David Kelly got suicide" . It was not suicide but assassinated by USA Intelligence USA Intelligence killed David Kelly to know truth about Iraq war Fraud. I am the one who gave information to Livermore Police/CA/USA on 16/July/2003, This proof show that Israel Jews involved in Iraq war, When Middle East Muslims know about this fraud then there will be terrible war because Muslims and Jews hats each other. If you want to know more about David Kelly assassination information  then click below Link 
7) What happen after I gave complaint?
    5) CIA director: Israel Prime Ministor Arial Sharon (Now he is in COMA) came to power on 6/Feb/2001. "CIA Director George Tenet" negotiated a cease-fire between Israel and Palestine. What was the purpose George Tenet to attend peace process when George Tenet  used to work as CIA Director. I told officer in Liver more police on 23/July/2003 arrond 10.30 am that some of CIA working for other. So US commission grilled CIA Director George Tenet and removed from his Director position after 17/july/2003: 
    6) New York Blackout: There was New York blackout (Lifting of electric power) on Aug/2003. But US GOVT didn’t blame on terrorist instead USA did blackout in entire London City within short time in 2003. 
    7) Pentagon has my file: Pentagon did investigation on me whether I agent or something. They have my complete records which they were investigated on me from 15/July/2003. 

    8) US and UK relation: I created relation problem between USA and England.  after 17/July/2003. Did you notice communication between UK PM Tony Blair and USA President GW Bush got handicapped. Bush is not visiting UK and Blair not visiting USA frequently. Don't you have question now that why Tony Blair and Bush not giving joint political statments in Press meet? 

    9) Increase of security for Mr. Bush: That is the reason US secrete service increased heavy security for Mr. Bush after 17/July/2003, all time especially when Mr. Bush went to England first on 20/Nov/2003 after 17/July/2003. Later Mr. Bush had gone Europe tour but he didn’t go England after 20/nov/2003 I mean for two years. Last time on July/2005 GW Bush visited Scotland in UK for G8 summit which was mandatory to visit in UK.. 

    10) Shutdown his foreign policy: After 17/July/2003 to till now GW Bush shut his mouth doing his business and shutdown his foreign policy in his second term of  Presidential election. 

    My USA SSN No is: 614-17-8529--
    You may have one question for me that you gave so such valuable information to USA why USA didn't disclose this information to world. The answer is Muslims hats Jews (religion), when Muslims know that Israel Prime Minister Arial Sharon (Who is Jews now he is in COMA) involved in Iraq war (Muslims stays in Iraq) then world wide Muslims gets crazy and Iraq, USA and England will get in to big problems.    
 His nice name is Mr. CashPoint, He stays in England, He is fundraiser for Labour Party and He also do work Middle East envoy. He is not popular person but he is very very Genius person. He is very good fund riser and good money manager. When Lib Democrats and Conservative Party’s are not getting huge funds how Labour Party getting huge funds? From where? Who gives such huge amount? Mr. CashPoint had arrested for money manipulation (Tax issue) and soon released by bail. His popular statement is “I don’t work fundraiser for Labour Party job if Tony Blair leaves office”. Well, Tony Blair said “I am going to resign Prime Minister position after 10 months”. Let use see Mr. CashPoint work after 10 months. Mr. CashPoint didn’t know that other country spy bugs are working on him. If Mr. CashPoint knows about spy bugs then what he thinks about last “3 years work information leak”? Well, Mr. CashPoint favorite place is tennis court where lot of discussion goes on about Middle East. Well, I will write lot more information about David Kelly mentioned “Dark side Players names” just before his assassination but in Part2 page. So wait for sometime. 
8) Missing evidence in World Trade Center Attack
Graphical representation of World Trade Center Attack
First hit airplane building, airplane direction straight which is not extraordinary 
Second hit airplane building, airplane direction curve which is extraordinary
There are missing evidence (Black Box) in World trade Center attack 
Black Box Evidence: No body notice Black Box evidence, Using Black Box evidence you will know Pilot conversation in cockpit whether pilot voice was Muslims voice or some body voice because pilot who hit World Trade Center are not ordinary pilots but expert pilot and they trained on real airplane not flight simulator. "Airplane Black Box" might have damaged in Pentagon hit or Twin towers hit but what about fourth airplane Black Box. Specialty of Black box is it won't get destroyed that much easily. Did you noticed how first flight hit World Trade Center that was straight direction which is not extraordinary and second flight was curve direction and it is not ordinary curve which is extraordinary. If we put second hit property in simulation we will know person who hit second tower was expert pilot. Those property are speed, direction, Horizontal, vertical and wind direction (wind direction you know by smoke or fire direction). 
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Second Come of Jesus (Bible) 
Kalki Avatar (Hindu Holy Book). 
Hazrat Isa Asalam (Koran) 
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