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       Subject: Payment option to keep alive. 
Content of this website is free for people who can’t afford to pay payment $2 (Two Dollar) for other they need to pay money $2 (Two Dollar) for every once in a month. This is non-profitable Organization my profession breaking code in Holy Books and publish it. The amount that I get from people will be used to maintain my Website, Bandwidth, other expenditure. Don’t pay more then $2 dollar. This is not charity organization.  
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Now You are able reading this website that means some body payed $2 for this website. One Giga bytes bandwidth cost $1 + USA Tax. Using one Giga bytes bandwidth nearly 1000 visitors can see complete my website.  

Second Come of Jesus (Bible) 
Kalki Avatar (Hindu Holy Book). 
Hazrat Isa Asalam (Koran) 
    Note: If any company wants to pay my website maintenance for one year then contact my web hosting company and pay amount and tell them to email me. I keep your company advertisement in special page for one year. Website maintenance includes infinite bandwidth high-speed server. As you know this would have millions of hits per Second.
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