Can you break this Code:: give answer for
AryaBatta "Zero" Puzzle?
Introduction to Question: Aryabatta
was a mathematical scientist. He bored around year 400 AD (400 years after
death of Christ). He invented numerical digit "0" that is ZERO.
Before Aryabatta no body were using "0" (Zero).
Internet Search Key Words "Aryabatta Zero" or
Hindu Holy Books says:
Lord Krishna had 16000 Gopikas.
Lord Kalki Avatar comes after 40,000 years from the beginning
of Kali Yuga.
God counts 100 mistakes and then he takes action.
Kaurav had 100 brothers (Kaurav family were living in
Lord Krishna living time).
Koran and Bible Holy Books says:
Satan (Evil) Sign is 666 (600 + 66)
Abraham (Ibraham) had kid at the age of 100 years.
Abraham (Ibraham) lived 200 years.
Age diffrence between Abraham (Ibraham) and his wife Sara
was 10 years.
All above statements has numerical digit 0 Zero collected from Holy books
story, which had happened long before scientist Aryabatta took the birth.
The Question is:
before Aryabatta took the birth what is the value of 0 Zero? Because
Zero Invented by Aryabatta.
If numerical digit 0 Zero exists before Aryabatta took the birth than
what is the specialty of Aryabatta 0 Zero invention? All Holy books story
script exists before Aryabatta took the birth, If you think that All holy
books story is false then what is the value of 0 Zero before Aryabatta
took the birth because those story exists before Aryabatta took the birth.
What way Holy book 0 Zero applicable to Binary, Decimal, Octal, Hex numbering
system? If you say in those days people used to count by using sticks then
what way they used to represent 10? Can person use sticks to count 16000?
Dont say People used to use Roman numbers because in those days roman
character doesnt exist. So, Are you Genius? Then give answer. Treat
this question as challenge one