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Hidden Secrets of German NAZI Adolf Hitler. Part 1
Secret Operation Code Word "Prophet King of Jews".
This Web Page contains following information.
. Section Index
Click below links
1) Interduction to Hitler "Prophet King of Jews" 
2) Prophet King of Jews Concepts in religion Holy Book! 
3) Why Hitler Crucify 6 millions Jews? 
4) Why Hitler went to World War 2? 
5) How Hitler Mentality worked in his lifeline? 
6) Hitlers Final Days in Germany! 
7) Do you Justify Hitler’s terrific action? 
8) More Secreat Operations of Hitlers! 
9) NAZI symbols and their meaning of symbols. 
10) Who are Superior Race? 
11) Nostradamus 3rd Anti Christ "Kalki Avatar" message for World?! 
1) Interduction to Hitler "Prophet King of Jews"
Dear Visitors, 
       Subject: Hitler Secret Operation, Hitler played role of Jews Prophet “King Of Jews”. Please read.. 
       I am "Kalki Avatar", I am not Muslim or Christian or Jew but I am "Hindu", I am from India and I am Black man. I supposed to disclose Hitler secret operation in Judgement day. Because, In religion Holy Books like Bible, Koran and other clearly mentioned about Judgement days. So, All truth has to come out in Judgement day as Holy Books mentioned. 
       I am too much depressed by seeing racist activities. My intention of developing Hitler page is to set right racist people who are creating problems in the world. Racist are fools and they are also creating problem for Hindus and "Buddhist" by misusing Swastik name and Swastik symbol. In the world maximum racists are christens who are misusing "Swastik" Symbol, for them I want ask one question. What if Hindus and Buddhist misuse Christens religion symbol how do you feel? As you know Hindus, Buddhist and Jain people worship Swastik Symbol. After reading this page if any one misuse Swastik symbol then I misuse Christens religion symbol cross this will balanced. In this WebPage I am disclosing hidden secretes of Hitler secret operation. Some Jews and some German also knows about Hitler’s secret operation Prophet “King Of Jews” (Bible) but they kept secret. I am a Hindu and Black man but I appreciate Hitler activity because Hitler scared Jews by Holocaust drama to push all Jews to God promised "Jewish Homeland Jerusalem" (Bible, Israel). In Holy Book Bible clearly mentioned that Jerusalem (Israel) is a Homeland for Jewish religion people. For thousands of years Jews are fighting for Homeland Jerusalem (Israel) but they couldn’t get. Jews knows Prophet “King Of Jews” comes and he gives Homeland for Jews. Now Jews are enjoying in Jews Homeland Jerusalem (Israel). If Hitler didn’t do Holocaust Drama then do you think Jews leave from Rich Europe to poor and troubled land Jerusalem (Israel). No, So that is the reason Hitler made Holocaust Drama to scare Jews and made them to go Jerusalem (Israel). So don’t misuse this WebPage after reading this page you should be in a position to support my website. You need to read all information in this page to understand PART 2. 
Note: Hitler didn’t kill 6 million Jews but far less than that I included evidence in this page. If you misuse this page then I don’t publish Hitler article PART 2. 
       I followed terms and condition to publish Hitler article. I divided Hitler’s secret operation into two parts that is PART 1 and PART 2. PART 1 covers Hitler’s secret operation till suicide drama and PART 2 covers Hitler’s secret operation from suicide drama to till he left from earth. As you know Hitler didn’t die in bunker because that was also a drama. I decode all Hitler’s secret operation by reading religion holy books Bible, Koran, Thorath and Bagavath Geeta. 
PART 1: Covers following topics: 
    Concepts in Religion Holy Books about Lord “King Of Jews” Hitler, 3rd Jewish TempleGod Promised Jewish homelandDefinition of Aryan, Swastik, other symbol used by Hitler, including Yellow Star of David and etc. Why Hitler went for World War 2How Hitler stopped World War 2? How Hitler destroyed Colonial Super Powers? How Hitler managed finances to establish for Jewish state (Israel). Who is Nostradamus predicted 3rd AntiChrist? Who is Superior Race? Etc.
 PART 2: Covers following topics: This part is still under construction. 
    Life of Hitler after he left from Bunker, How Hitler controlled Jerusalem and World after World War 2, Where Hitler escaped after World War 2, where Hitler lived after World War 2? How long Hitler lived after World War 2? How many Kids Hitler have
       I do have enough evidence to write PART 2. At last I way say this is sensitive page in so, don’t misuse this page. I am not discrimination any one. People who read Religion Holy Books can easily understand this Hitler’s page. 

Kalki Avatar. 
Hitler’s Small Movie Clip.
I kept small color video about Hitler in this box. Those who don’t know person whose name is Hitler and what to know his body language, way of talk and his style then click Play (Arrow) button.
Note for slow internet connection: This is short length video, When you play first time you will see breaks in between play so first let it finish download later move slide bar beginning and play then you will get non break video.
2) Lord King Of Jews Concepts in religion Holy Book!
Isaac Punishment
Jews Homeland
Moses 10 Commandments
Slaver Punishment 
Jews 3rd Temple
Swastik is not racist symbol but it is a symbol Lord Vishnu’s "Vishnu Chakra". Hitler used Swastik symbol because Hitler was incarnation a "Lord Vishnu". That is the reason Hitler used Swastik symbol. By based on Hindu Holy Books Hitler was a Vishnu Avatar but by based on Holy Books Bible and Thorath Hitler was Prophet “King Of Jews”. Hitler read all religion Holy Books to solve World problems as you Holy Books is nothing but “Word from God” also called “Law Of God” also called “Promise of God”. Before You know about Hitler you need to know some concepts from Religion Holy Books because those concepts followed by Hitler. 
Religion Holy Books:: "Bible", "Thorath", "Koran", "Bagavath Geeta", "Moses Ten Commandments": 
Hitler’s role in his life time By based on religion Holy Books!
I) Holy Books Bible, Thorath :: Lord “King Of Jews" 
    1) To push all Jews to God Promised Jewish Home Land Jerusalem (Israel) 
    2) Create path to construct "3rd Jewish temple" in Jerusalem. 
    3) Find medicine to cure Diseases .
Many Christens in the world believe that Jesus was a Prophet “King Of Jews”. But Jesus didn’t give God promised Jewish Homeland Jerusalem (Israel) and didn’t constructed 3rd Jewish temple in Jerusalem. But some Christens says Second Come Of Jesus fulfill Prophet “King Of Jews” role. But what is the point fulfilling Prophet “King Of Jews” role in Judgement days? As you know Jesus promised that “I come again in end of the world”. Fulfilling of Lord “King Of Jews” role in running world is important not in Judgement days. Jews already got Jewish Homeland Jerusalem (Israel) in 1947 AD what Jesus Second come going play Prophet “King Of Jews” role. Jesus Second come going to play Judgement Role as per Holy Books mention. 2000 years old Jesus was not Prophet “King Of Jews” but he was Prophet. Some Christens gets angry when I said Jesus was not Prophet “King Of Jews”. My response to Christens why you need to worry about this issue when World Ended and Judgement Days Started. 2000 years back Jesus didn’t talk or mention any thing about “I am Prophet King of Jews”. Go and read history. 
    Please Read: Why Jews Don't believe Jesus as Prophet King of Jews
Hitler character exists in Holy Books Bible, Thorath, to know how? You need to read entire WebPage. Jews believes that Prophet “King Of Jews” from "King David" Dynasty. The question rises whether Hitler came from King David Dynasty or not? To find this there are some set of law exists in Jews Holy Book Thorath. This law takes 10 pages space I am still writing, soon I would write and publish in Part 2. Part 2 will be published soon. 
II) Holy Books Koran :: Holy Book Koran came after "Prophet Muhammad" came before Prophet Muhammad came Muslims used follow three Holy books. Those Holy Books are Engile (Bible), Thorath, Zaboor. When Prophet Muhammad came Muslims told he is last Prophet and “King Of Jews” as mentioned in Holy Book Thorath. But Jews didn’t believe Prophet Muhammad because Prophet Muhammad didn’t give Jews God Promised Homeland Jerusalem (Israel). Yes, Prophet Muhammad is last Prophet only for giving Holy Book Koran. Holy Books Koran says that "Yajuj Majuj" comes and creates problems in the world. Jews are not actual Yajuj Majuj but somebody else exist. Soon You will know. Some Muslims get angry when I said Hitler pushed Jews to Palestine, If this doesn’t happen How Great war happens in Judgement Days as mentioned in Koran. It is all about God game, No one have rights to talk against God Protocol. 
III) Prophet Moses Ten Commandments:  
Colonial Super Powers violated Prophet Moses Ten Commandments 6,8,9 and 10 by creating concepts called Colonies, Racism, Steal other countries wealth, Slave, Creating problem in other countries 
Moses Ten Commandments are 
    1) Thou shalt have no other gods before me 
    2) Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image 
    3) Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain 
    4) Remember the sabbath day and keep it holy 
    5) Honour thy father and thy mother 
    6) Thou shalt not kill  
    7) Thou shalt not commit adultery 
    8) Thou shalt not steal  
    9) Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour  
    0) Thou shalt not covet any thing that is thy neighbour's 
IV) Holy Book Bagavath Geeta ::  
What way Hitler character mentioned in Hindu Holy book? In Holy Book Bagavath Geeta mentioned that.. 
    Whenever there is a withering of the law and an uprising of lawlessness on all sides, then I manifest Myself. For the salvation of the righteous and the destruction of such as do evil, for the firm establishing of the Law, I come to birth, age after age. ~ "Bhagavad Gita", Book IV, Sutra 5, 7, 8 
As you know Colonies, Racism, Steal other countries wealth, Slave, creating problem in other countries is against God Law and unjustified that is the reason Lord Vishnu took incarnation as Hitler. This is promise from Lord Krishna mentioned in ~ "Bagavath Gita", Book IV, Sutra 5, 7, 8. 
There are some specific standards and law exists in Holy Books to recognize Prophet “King Of Jews” which will be published in Part 2.Don’t worry too much about  Israel and Palestine problem. Second Come Of Jesus knows how to fix  this problem in Judgement Days.
3) Why and How Hitler Crucify 6 millions Jews?
A) Holocaust pictures", Concentration Camps", Death Camps
I shown some Holocaust pictures collected from other website. I am showing small Holocaust pictures not to scare others, which is justified. If you want scary Holocaust pictures then you go for other website’s. 
Yes, I agree Hitler did Holocaust on Jews but not huge Holocaust. Hitler has to scare Jews to push out of Europe to God Promised Land Jerusalem (Israel). Assume Hitler don’t scare Jews then how Jews leave from rich Europe to God Promised Land Jerusalem (Israel) by leaving their property, their relative and friends? No, Jews won’t leave to God Promised Land Jerusalem (Israel) for simple reason, Because Jews were rich people in rich Europe. Do any one in the world leave to other country by leaving their good running business. I ask you simple question: Did any one saw street beggar who is Jew any place in the world? I am Kalki, I didn’t see any Jew who is a beggar. Hitler did mass Holocaust on Jews but it was simple death technique. Those techniques are Mass Gunshot Point ZERO, Mass death by poisoning. Later they took different photos in different style and shown as if Hitler did mass Holocaust. And then shown world to scare Jews to push Jews to God Promised Land Jerusalem (Israel). Hitler didn’t kill 6 million Jews but far less then 6 million. Hitler intention is to scare Jews. 
Maximum Jews who got killed by Hitler are physically handicapped and medically experimented Jews. Hitler used technique call “Separate family member and send them different directions in different timing to God Promised Land Jerusalem (Israel)”. So Jews thought their family member got killed. This is part of Prophet “King Of Jews” operation which is meant for God Promised Land Jerusalem (Israel). 
Some Hindus in India says Hitler killed Hindu Vedic Pundits but that is not true Hitler kidnapped Vedic Pundits to decode information from Vedic Sastra to develop new weapons. They got released later. As you know I am Hindu and from India. 
B) Anti-Semitism On Jews 
Anti-Semitism on Jews not started from Hitler’s time but Anti-Semitism on Jews exists for thousands of years before Hitler exists. Here I explained how Anti-Semitism on Jews problem started. So far only two religion people show Anti-Semitism on Jews those are Christians and Muslims. Below I shown two graphs one for Muslims Anti-Semitism on Jews and other one for Christens Anti-Semitism on Jews. First I explain Muslims Anti-Semitism on Jews. 
Graph of Muslims Anti-Semitic on Jews since Abraham (Ibraham) timeline
Above graph shows that Muslims Anti-Semitism on Jews since Abraham time to year 2006AD.
Jews and Muslims had good relationship and friendship from Prophet Abraham (Ibraheem) time to King David appeared. Real problem started after King David concord Jerusalem Land also called “Israel or Palestine”. Why King David concord Jerusalem? The reason is from the beginning Jews never had Homeland I mean self-ruling country. Jews used to live other countries without self-ruling power. Bible mentioned that Jerusalem is Homeland for Jewish religion people. That is the reason King David concord Jerusalem (Israel). Actual problem started from here, Jews started ruling Jerusalem (Israel) and started implementing Jewish law in Jerusalem (Israel). Muslims and other religion people started Anti-Semitism on Jews. Later King David kingdom got destroyed but Anti-Semitism between Muslims and Jews continued till Jesus appeared. For short time Anti-Semitism between Muslims and Jews stopped by Jesus. When Jesus crucified by Jews then Anti-Semitism between Muslims and Jews got increased too much because Muslims also believe Prophet Jesus. Christens also joined hands with Muslims against Jews because both Christens and Muslims believe Prophet Jesus. Muslims Anti-Semitism on Jews continued till Prophet Muhammad appeared. Prophet Muhammad told to Muslims that person who got crucified on cross was not Jesus but he was a soldier who has Jesus face (Jesus Clone). Muslims believed what Prophet Muhammad told about Jesus. Since that time to till Hitler appeared Anti-Semitism between Muslims and Jews disappeared. Again Anti-Semitism between Muslims and Jews started when Jews in Israel pushed Muslims out of Israel. So for last 60 years Anti-Semitism between Muslims and Jews got fire and its is in peak. 

Graph of Christens Anti-Semitic on Jews since Jesus Left.
Above graph shows that Christens Anti-Semitism on Jews since Jesus time to year 2006AD.
For last 60 years Jews and Christens had good relationship and friendship. But this case was different before 60 years. 2000 years back, Jews crucified Jesus since then Christens Anti-Semitism on Jews got increased too much because Christens warship Jesus and Christens believe that Jesus crucified by Jews. Since that time to till Hitler appeared Christens Anti-Semitism on Jews continued. But Christens Anti-Semitism on Jews disappeared by Hitler holocaust sympathy. 
C) What plan Hitler used to push many Jews into "Jerusalem"?  
Above picture is animation slide show, slide changes every 15 seconds and repeats again.
Hitler used genius technique to push Jews from all over the world to God Promised Land Jerusalem (Israel, Bible). Hitler used three methods to push Jews to Land Jerusalem (Israel, Bible). Before I mention what technique I want to explain Jews population all over the world. 
See picture slide 1 in above map. You will see highly populated Jewish community in the world. Maximum Jews used to live in rich Europe before world war 2, second highly populated Jewish community used to live in Middle East and next comes to America. 
Method 1: See picture slide 2 in above map. Hitler pushed maximum Jews from rich Europe to God Promised Land Jerusalem (Israel) by holocaust drama before and while World War 2. 
Method 2: See picture slide 3 in above map. Hitler knows Jews will be pushed from Middle East by Muslims because Jews pushed Muslims out of Israel (Palestine). Why Hitler didn’t send his army to Middle East for Jews Holocaust? The reason because When Jews pushed Muslims out of Israel (Palestine) then defiantly Muslims will push Jews out of Middle East. Then Jews defiantly go to Jews homeland Jerusalem (Israel). This is one kind of technique that is the reason Hitler didn’t send his army to Middle East 
Method 3: See picture slide 4 in above map. Some Jews community used to live in America Continent. Albert Einstein worked hard to push some Jews from America to God Promised Land Jerusalem (Israel). 
After all above method Jews got God Promised Land Jerusalem (Israel). If Hitler had not done Holocaust drama Jews wouldn’t have got to God Promised Land Jerusalem (Israel). 
D) Timeline of Jews: Beginning to end (formation of God Promised Jewish HomeLand) 
1250 BC: Israelites began to conquer and settle the land of Canaan on the eastern Mediterranean coast. 
961-922 BC: Reign of King Solomon and construction of the Temple in Jerusalem. Solomon's reign was followed by the division of the land into two kingdoms. 
586 BC: The southern kingdom, Judah, was conquered by the Babylonians, who drove its people, the Jews, into exile and destroyed Solomon's Temple. After 70 years the Jews began to return and Jerusalem and the temple were gradually rebuilt. 
Classical period 
333 BC: "Alexander the Great" conquest brought the area under Greek rule. 
165 BC: A revolt in Judea established the last independent Jewish state of ancient times. 
63 BC: The Jewish state, Judea, was incorporated into the Roman province of Palestine 
70 AD: A revolt against Roman rule was put down by the Emperor Titus and the Second Temple was destroyed. This marks the beginning of the Jewish Diaspora, or dispersion. 
118-138 AD: During the Roman Emperor Hadrian's rule, Jews were initially allowed to return to Jerusalem, but - after another Jewish revolt in 133 - the city was completely destroyed and its people banished and sold into slavery. 
638 AD: Conquest by Arab Muslims ended Byzantine rule (the successor to Roman rule in the East). The second caliph of Islam, Omar, built a mosque at the site of what is now the al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem in the early years of the 8th Century. Apart from the age of the Crusaders (1099-1187), the region remained under Muslim rule until the fall of the "Ottoman Empire" in the 20th Century.
The "First Zionist Congress" met in Basle, Switzerland, to discuss the ideas set out in Theodor Herzl's 1896 book Der Judenstaat ("The Jewish State"). Herzl, a Jewish journalist and writer living in Vienna, wanted Jews to have their own state - primarily as a response to European anti-Semitism. 
The Congress issued the Basle Programme to establish a "home for the Jewish people in Palestine secured by public law" and set up the World Zionist Organisation to work for that end. 

A few Zionist immigrants had already started arriving in the area before 1897. By 1903 there were some 25,000 of them, mostly from Eastern Europe. They lived alongside about half a million Arab residents in what was then part of the "Turkish Ottoman Empire". A second wave of about 40,000 immigrants arrived in the region between 1904 and 1914. 

The Zionist project of the 1920s and 1930s saw hundreds of thousands of Jews emigrating to British Mandate Palestine, provoking unrest in the Arab community. 
In 1922, a British census showed the Jewish population had risen to about 11% of Palestine's 750,000 inhabitants. More than 300,000 immigrants arrived in the next 15 years. 

Zionist-Arab antagonism boiled over into violent clashes in August 1929 when 133 Jews were killed by Palestinians and 110 Palestinians died at the hands of the British police. 

Arab discontent again exploded into widespread civil disobedience during a general strike in 1936. By this time, the militant Zionist group Irgun Zvai Leumi was orchestrating attacks on Palestinian and British targets with the aim of "liberating" Palestine and Transjordan (modern-day Jordan) by force. 

In July 1937, Britain, in a Royal Commission headed by former Secretary of State for India, Lord Peel, recommended partitioning the land into a Jewish state (about a third of British Mandate Palestine, including Galilee and the coastal plain) and an Arab one. 

Palestinian and Arab representatives rejected this and demanded an end to immigration and the safeguarding of a single unified state with protection of minority rights. Violent opposition continued until 1938 when it was crushed with reinforcements from the UK. 

After Hitler came to power he started creating problem for Jews.  On "24 Aug 1933 Hitler enable Jews to emigrate to Palestine". If Hitler was really cruel person he wouldn’t have given this option and he would have killed all Jews. Why Hitler given this deal to Jews because Bible clearly say Jerusalem is homeland for Jews. Jerusalem also called Palestine or Israel. Hitler enabled this deal because Hitler want to push Jews to God Promised land for Jews Jerusalem. Only Prophet “King Of Jews” has rights to gather all Jews in Jerusalem. Some Jews accepted Hitler deal and left to Jerusalem but many was Jews still siting in Germany that is the reason Hitler started holocaust drama to scare Jews and made them to gather in Jerusalem.
Hitler made complicate situation for Jews by using Holocaust drama that made all Jews to leave from Entire Europe to God promised land for Jews Jerusalem Palestine also called Israel. Mad man Mussolini had been used by Hitler to push Jews out of Italy to God promised land for Jews Jerusalem.
Britain, which had ruled Palestine since 1920, handed over responsibility for solving the Zionist-Arab problem to the UN in 1947. 
The territory was plagued with chronic unrest pitting native Arabs against Jewish immigrants (who now made up about a third the population, owning about 6% of the land). The situation had become more critical with the displacement of hundreds of thousands of Jews fleeing the Nazi persecution in Europe. Some six million Jews were killed in the Holocaust during World War II. 

The UN set up a special committee which recommended splitting the territory into separate Jewish and Palestinian states. Palestinian representatives, known as the Arab Higher Committee, rejected the proposal; their counterparts in the Jewish Agency accepted it. 

The partition plan gave 56.47% of Palestine to the Jewish state and 43.53% to the Arab state, with an international enclave around Jerusalem. On 29 November 1947, 33 countries of the UN General Assembly voted for partition, 13 voted against and 10 abstained. The plan, which was rejected by the Palestinians, was never implemented. 

Britain announced its intention to terminate its Palestine mandate on 15 May 1948 but hostilities broke out before the date arrived. 

The death of British soldiers in the conflict made the continuing presence in Palestine deeply unpopular in Britain. In addition, the British resented American pressure to allow in more Jewish refugees - a sign of growing US suport for Zionism. 

Both Arab and Jewish sides prepared for the coming confrontation by mobilising forces. The first "clearing" operations were conducted against Palestinian villages by Jewish forces in December. 


The State of Israel, the first Jewish state for nearly 2,000 years, was proclaimed at 1600 on "14 May 1948 in Tel Aviv". The declaration came into effect the following day as the last British troops withdrew. Palestinians remember 15 May as "al-Nakba", or the Catastrophe. 
The year had begun with Jewish and Arab armies each staging attacks on territory held by the other side. Jewish forces, backed by the Irgun and Lehi militant groups made more progress, seizing areas alloted to the Jewish state but also conquering substantial territories allocated for the Palestinian one. 

Irgun and Lehi massacred scores of inhabitants of the village of Deir Yassin near Jerusalem on 9 April. Word of the massacre spread terror among Palestinians and hundreds of thousands fled to Lebanon, Egypt and the area now known as the West Bank. 

The Jewish armies were victorious in the Negev, Galilee, West Jerusalem and much of the coastal plain. 

The day after the state of Israel was declared five Arab armies from Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria and Iraq immediately invaded Israel but were repulsed, and the Israeli army crushed pockets of resistance. Armistices established Israel's borders on the frontier of most of the earlier British Mandate Palestine. 

Egypt kept the Gaza Strip while Jordan annexed the area around East Jerusalem and the land now known as the West Bank. These territories made up about 25% of the total area of British Mandate Palestine. 

E) Why Hitler did Holocaust Jews? 
        No buddy knows who really he was, Hitler was a Lord King of Jew and he was a Lord for Jews. He wanted to give Homeland i.e. Jerusalem for Jews comunity just before end of the world. That is the reason Hitler scared Jews in Germany and Europe, that made Jews leave from Germany and Europe to Jerusalem. Simple logic Jews are there in many places, can Jews  sale their property and go to Jerusalem without bothering by any body. NO. Originally Jerusalem is homeland for Jews but they loose their homeland in judgement days. God don't give homeland for Jews, Jews get home land for only for short time. Do you know why god doesn't give homeland for Jews? I would let you know in Part 2. 
         Simple logic if Hitler really wanted to kill all Jews in Europe He would have killed all Jews, why he let them to leave from Europe to other place?  
        People says Hitler killed 6 million Jews, But that number is false number. He separated family members so that they never meet each other. He killed far less then 6 millions. Only one main reason is to scare them to Jerusalem which is justified. All holocaust photos are not Jews face pictures but also contains "NAZI" people face. Regarding NAZI people face photos they did drama to scare Jews and it was killing people photos. And regarding Jews face picture photo it was concentration camps. 
F) Why Hitler used Yellow Star of David ?  

Yellow Star of David
Jews believe that Six point Star is Jews religion symbol. I am little confusion how and when this symbol generated? I need to refer Jews Holy Book what way this symbol mentioned. What King David told about Star? He told “God control us six directions” East, west, North, South, Top and Bottom. That is what Jews religion symbol Star? Well, I need to put more time on it to find reality. No, Problem, I am going to fix this problem. 
You may have question “Ohhh Kalki Avatar, You told Hitler was a Prophet King of Jews then why Hitler didn’t use Jews religion symbol”? Answer: Good question, Yes Hitler used Jews religion symbol Star, and Hitler gave names to that symbol “Yellow Star of David”. The Name “Yellow Star of David” symbol it self shows that Prophet “King Of Jews” used Jews religion symbol. If you decode “Yellow Star of David” statement you will get following information. 
    Yellow Color: I will define definition of Yellow color in Part 2, Section, Why Hitler used color Yellow for “Yellow Star of David” symbol. Part 2 will be published soon. 

    Star: Jews religion Symbol that Prophet “King Of Jews” supposed to use. 

    David: Reason why Hitler used David word in “Yellow Star of David”?, Because Jews believe Prophet “King Of Jews” come from King David dynasty.

England and other country white race people too much worried before WW2 that Hitler NAZI discrimination Jews by putting “Yellow Star of David” symbol. For that I want to give simple answer. Before Hitler took the power Why white race did discrimination Black Race by putting labels “Whites Only”, “White Color only" in many places? When England White Race people did discrimination on Black race and made them slaves all over the world what rights they have to talk about NAZI discrimination on Jews? When you pointing out mistake on others first you should point out mistake on your side.
 Hey Former Colonial Super powers how was Hitler’s super punch. I hope you were happy and 100% satisfied? Say thanks to Hitler. 
G) How many Jews got killed by Hitler? 
I collected below statement from BBC News Website: 
    Horrific medical experiments: The first group of children to be targeted were disabled children described as "useless eaters". They were taken away from their parents under the guise of receiving the latest medical attention and maybe a cure. In fact, they were part of a top secret euthanasia programme.  
Yes, I agree Hitler took some of disabled kids for medical experiment to test medicine. Holy book clearly says that Prophet “King Of Jews” does find cure for diseases. Hitler found medicines to cure disease for all age people. But question rises on whom it should test? Usually medical company very first test on rats or any other animals, second they go on humans. As you know there are difference between testing on animal and humans. Some time testing on animal clears but testing on human fails that causes problem for humans. 
Yes, Hitler found medicines but on whom it should test? He can’t test on blacks or other people when he was Prophet “King Of Jews”. That is the reason he tested on Jews. If what Hitler did mistake why people used German made medicine before and after WW2? 
Do you know many rich countries medical company testing their medicine on poor African Countries and then giving clearing. Why they don’t test on their own country? They are after poor African Countries as if they are doing social Work. 
How many Jews got killed by Hitler?  
Below two tables collected from external website How many Jews crucified by Hitler? Many people says that around 6 millions Jews crucified by Hitler. But that is not true because all NAZI reports are false. NAZI shown reports are false numbers to scare Jews. Hitler crucified far less then 6 millions. Do you how this calculation worked by based on Holy Books? What we are using numerical digit Zero “0” has different definition in Holy Books. In Holy Books Zero “0” is defined like Abraham had kid at the age of 100, Abraham lived 200 years and Age difference between Abraham and wife Sara is 10 years. In Holy Books Zero “0” definition is different because Zero “0” is invented by "Scientist AryaBatta", AryaBatta took the birth 400AD. So before AryaBatta took the birth definition of ZERO “0” and Calendar system was different. So according to AryaBatta ZERO “0” NAZI holocaust number are different then actual holocaust number. Hitler did far less than 6 millions, only reason he did holocaust is to scare Jews to leave for God Promised Homeland Jerusalem. Here Hitler used one technique Hitler separated family member and send them different directions in different timing so that they can’t rejoin again. Jews thought their family member got killed by Hitler and made them to forget about their family members. This Hitler’s technique made huge number “6 millions”. 
I am Hindu from India. Don’t worry I am not anti Jew or any other religion. I am trying to say facts.
(Kulmhof) Chelmno
Auschwitz- Birkenau
December 7, 1941
September, 1941
March 17, 1942
July 23, 
Gas Vans
Carbon Monoxide gas
Carbon Monoxide gas
Carbon Monoxide
Carbon Monoxide and Zyklon B gas
Zyklon-B gas
Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed Killed
320,000 1,200,000 600,000 250,000 700,000 1,380,000  65,000
Nationality Gassed on 
 Survived Total 
Soviet POWs
4) Why Hitler went to World War 2?
.Why Prophet “King Of Jews” Hitler went for World War 2? There are main two reasons why Hitler went for World War 2. Before you want to know about this question you should know what Hitler did before he went for World War 2. Hitler shown real hell to Jews by making Jews slaves, removing human rights from Jews, crucifying Jews. Hitler did all evil activity and projected him self as world’s most crazy person and most evil person in the world. 
1) Push all European Jews from Europe to God Promised Homeland Jerusalem (Israel). 
As you know Prophet “King Of Jews” main role is push Jews to God Promised Homeland Jerusalem (Israel). As you know Hitler already projected himself as evil person.  In those days highly populated Jews were living in rich Europe continent. There should be some way to push all Jews from Europe continent to Jerusalem (Israel). This is the one main reason Hitler gone for World War 2, he started conquering other countries which are in Europe. Jews started leaving from Europe Jerusalem (Israel) because of Hitler army. As you know Hitler hates Jews. This is Hitler’s successful technique that made Jews to run from Europe God Promised Homeland Jerusalem (Israel). 
Pulling Colonial Super powers army from other countries to fight against Hitler.
2) To kill evil colonial Super Power countries. 
As you know Hitler himself projected as evil person and notorious racist person in the world. When Hitler started conquering other countries those were colonials Super Powers in Europe then all colonial Super Powers started thinking what will be the fate of country if Hitler conquer the country? All people in this country become slave of Germans. So all colonials Super Powers got scared by Hitler then colonials Super Powers got real taste of Hitler’s racism and feeling of slave. Colonials Super powers started thinking at any cost we should defeat Hitler’s army and then colonials Super powers pulled their army from their colonies to fight against Hitler’s army. Hitler created big problem for colonials Super Powers. Colonials Super powers lost their huge army, their strength, their money and controlling powers over colonies. German bombardments destroyed colonials Super powers countries. I hope now Indian knows how they got freedom from British. As you know British pulled lot of army from India in World War 2. British couldn’t control India and other colonies after World War 2. Assume Hitler didn’t go for World War 2, Do you think Colonials Super powers loose their colonies just for simple reason. What if Colonials Super powers had got Nuclear power then do you think Colonials Super powers loose their colonies? 
I want to ask Indian one simple question “Do you think India got freedom because of Gandhi after World War 2?” If Indians think so how Burma, Sri Lanka, African Countries and other countries got freedom after World War 2? Do you think all other Countries got freedom because of Gandhi? 
5) How Hitler Mentality worked in his lifeline?
Many genius doctors worked hard to figure out “why Hitler behaved like crazy person and why Hitler killed 6 million Jews?” But all genius people failed to found Hitler Mentality. I am giving answer for mystery question. If you don’t take religion Holy Books reference then Hitler Mentality is "Bipolar disorder person" also called mad man, crazy man, and evil person. But if you take religion Holy Books reference then Hitler played role of Prophet “King Of Jews”. Hitler was a good actor, good speeches and good hypnotizes. Hitler has got mind controlling technique he can go depression mode to normal mode, normal mode to Mania mode and Mania mode to depression any time. After Hitler took the power Hitler hypnotizes German people and kept them in Mania stage by his speech. German people became like toys in Hitler's hand and then Hitler controlled Germans. And then Hitler pushed many Jews to God Promised Land Jerusalem (Israel :: Bible) All Germans got out hypnotizes stage to normal stage when they got news that “Hitler is dead”. After death of Hitler Germans became depression mode and then they became normal mode. It is all about God game. Who cares all these, Did Jews get God Promised Land Jerusalem (Israel) or not? Yes, Jews got Homeland. 
6) Hitlers Final Days in Germany!
A) Hitler Didn’t die in Bunker 
        Hitler didn't die at the end of World War 2 in bunker, he left Germany 2 days before end of the World War 2. Hitler and His close army officer celebrated party because Hitler was victorious he did what he wanted to do. Hitler didn’t marry in bunker and Hitler didn’t marry Eva entire life. Why Hitler did Marriage drama in bunker? To make fool world, As you know people are sentiment fool. Hitler made them to believe that Hitler died. Why Hitler didn’t marry entire life? Because Hitler was Gandarva means Devatha. Devathas won’t get marry. 
        Hitler was a incarnation of Lord Vishnu. People from allover the world may say “Are you Crazy? You are comparing Mad Hitler with incarnation Lord Vishnu? You should consult Doctor to check your Brain”!. Ok, type keywords “Hitler Lord Vishnu” in Yahoo search. You will find many articles written by many people allover the world. Do you say that all should consult Doctors to check their Brains? No buddy can do Germany such a fastest developed country in short time. Why Hitler used Swastik? Because Swastik is a symbol of Lord Vishnu’s Vishnu Chakra. 
        Kalki Avatar also won’t marry Lakshmi because Lakshmi is all time wife of Lord Vishnu. Lord Rama already married Sita (Lakshmi), Do Kalki Avatar need to marry again? That is the reason Hitler didn’t marry Eva got it? 
        Hitler left from Bunker along with two kind of document files. One file is for public, which will be disclosed when “Kalki Avatar” appears in the world. And other file is very important which is confidential and contains scientific information decoded from Ancient book Veda’s. “Kalki Avatar” will take this file as soon as he appears, Germans won’t have access to this confidential file. Kalki Avatar is from India and he put step in Germany as soon as Kalki Avatar appears. 
B) Why Hitler and his followers didn’t disclose to world that Hitler is Prophet “King Of Jews”? 
Answer: There are many reasons for not to disclose Hitler is Lord "King Of Jews". Those reasons are.. 
1) Hitler didn't want disturb Christen religion people sentiment before just End Of The World!  
For last 2000 Christens believe that Jesus is the "King Of Jews". If Hitler had told that "I am King Of Jews" then Christens 2000 years old "Jesus King Of Jews" sentiment gets disturb. What is the purpose to disturb Christens sentiment just before the End Of World? When every Christens know what is reality in Judgement days? 
2) Hitler didn't want disturb Muslims religion people sentiment before just End Of The World!  
Muslims believe that Prophet Muhammad is last messenger of God in the world and they won't be any Prophet after Prophet Muhammad. What is the purpose to disturb Muslims sentiment just before the End Of World? When every Muslims know what is reality in Judgement days? 
3) Hitler didn't want disturb Jews religion people sentiment before just End Of The World!  
Jews believe that Lord "King Of Jews" comes from King David dynasty. And Jews are very strict to this statement and they don't believe any person as Lord "King Of Jews" who comes from other then King David dynasty. What is the purpose to disturb Jews sentiment just before the End Of World? When every Jews know what is reality in Judgement days? 
4) Hitler wants stop Christens Anti-Semitism on Jews.  
There were too much Christens Anti-Semitism on Jews before Hitler took the power. For 2000 years Christens Anti-Semitism on Jews were there because Christens believes that Jews crucified Jesus. 
So they should be some way to stop Christens Anti-Semitism on Jews, only way is by creating sympathy. As you know Muslims Anti-Semitism on Jews started after Jews got Homeland Jerusalem (Israel). 
5) Hitler did want to extend lifetime of running world before Judgement Days.  
If Hitler had declare that I am Lord "King Of Jews" a messenger of God then world lifetime would have been extended longtime. If that is the case all Holy Books future timeline prophesy would have became false. This shouldn't happen. As you know some of Hitler's followers already declared messiah has come. But many people in the world didn't believed Hitler. 
6) God Punishment. 
Hitler followed protocol of Holy Books to show world how God can take punishment. God took punishment in Noah time, prophet Moses time. This statement effective when Nostradamus predicted 3rd AntiChrist appears. The 3rd AntiChrist name is Kalki Avatar. 
Many Prophet came on earth and they kept some secrets and then left from the earth. All secrets will Prophet comes out in Judgement Days. 
Here one problem rises between Germans and Jews. The problem is Prophet “King Of Jews” Hitler remains kept secret out side Germany. All will come out as soon as Kalki Avatar appears. Who is going to take “King Of Jews” remains whether German or Jews? As you know Germans like Hitler and Jews like Prophet “King Of Jews”. Do you know Jews are waiting for Lord “King Of Jews” for last 2500 years? 2500 years is long time wish of Jews. From my side my answer is who cares Prophet “King Of Jews” Hitler remains when world ended and soon Judgement days also will be ending. I hope German and Jews don’t fight for Prophet “King Of Jews” Hitler remains. 
C) Why Hitler broke treaty with Russia? 
 Before World War 2 "Hitler had treaty with Russia" for not to attack each other. Hitler broke treaty for two reasons. 
1) Catch Jews who are living in Russia and put them in way to Jerusalem (Israel): As you know Jews also used to live in Western Russia. Who will scare Jews who were living in Russia and put them in way to Jerusalem (Israel)? So this is one of the main reason Hitler went for war on Russia. 
2) To safeguard Germany: Hitler can’t rule Germany for long time because it is against God law (Holy Books). Hitler main role was “King Of Jews”. So Hitler has to end the World War 2 and destroy NAZI. After end of Hitler era who will take care Germany? There should be some way to control Germany. Hitler knows Russia and USA hates each other before World War 2.  Without Russia if Germany comes under control of USA and England then problem for Germany. So Hitler made Russia to involve in this conflict to safeguard Germany. Hitler made Russia to involve in this war so that two giant countries USA and Russia will control Germany, the two Countries who hates each other’s after WW2. As you know USA and Russia hates each other before WW2 started. So Germany divided into two parts one is East Germany which controlled by Russia and West Germany which controlled by USA. So Hitler’s main concept is "USA and Russia quarrel each others and Germany is safe". You just assume what if Germany comes under USA hand after WW2 what will be the England influence on Germany? Answer they teach lesson of English. 
D) Why Hitler told "One Day NAZI Victorious"?  
             Hitler told  “One Day NAZI Victorious” and also told “NAZI Will Rise Again”. These two statements you can find in history and other website’s. If you don’t take Religion Holy Books reference those two statements are false but if you do take Religion Holy Books reference those two statements are true and will happen when Kalki Avatar appear. 
According Religion Holy Books reference Hitler fulfilled following things. 
    1) “King Of Jews” Hitler gave God Promised Home Land Jerusalem for Jews. 
    2) “King Of Jews” Hitler gave heavy punishment for Colonial Super Powers. 
    3) “King Of Jews” Hitler found many medicines to cure disease. 
    4) “King Of Jews” Hitler brought peace in the world after World War 2. (Didn’t you see peace after WW2).
According to Religion Holy Books reference NAZI already Victorious and NAZI will rise again to celebrate Victory when Kalki Avatar appears. After NAZI victory celebration NAZI will disappear forever. Neo-NAZI will not allowed in this celebration. As I mentioned before that Kalki Avatar comes from India. 
7) Do you Justify Hitler’s terrific action?
. Situation’s before Hitler Took the Power Situation’s after Hitler left from Bunker
Colonial Problem:Before Hitler Took the Power, Colonial super powers fighting too much for colony and steeling other countries wealth and created total mesh in the world. Colonial Problem:After Hitler Took the Power, all Colonial super powers totally destroyed, their city’s, their wealth, their army destroyed, Super powers became weak powers and then USA and USSR became super powers and rules the world. All Colonial super powers had faced scaring feeling of colony from Germany.
Many countries got freedom: Before Hitler Took the Power, many countries struggling for freedom they couldn’t get freedom because Colonial super powers were very strong they don’t have intention to give freedom to colonies because they need wealth, slaves and ego power from colonies. Many countries got freedom: After Hitler Took the Power, Colonial super powers had got real taste of Colonial punch. Colonial super powers became weak, they lost their many mans, they lost money, they are not in a position to control colonies. Now Indians know how India got freedom.
Slave system: Before Hitler Took the Power, white people in the world treated Black as slaves, Negro and shown hell to Black Race including USA. They never used to care about Black Race. They gave one law for White Race and other law for Black Race. I have simple question, When England had too much worry about Hitler racism on Jews why England continued Racism till Hitler took the power. Slave system: After Hitler Took the Power, White Race came to know what is the definition of Slave because Hitler made Jews slave, as you know Jews are White Race in Germany. White Race came to know what is definition of slave. So White Race got feeling of slave when White Race became slave. I have simple question, When USA had too much worry about Hitler racism on Jews why USA continued Racism till 1960; I mean 15 years after end of World War 2?
Jews Home land Problem: Before Hitler Took the Power, Jews were struggling for God Promised Land Jerusalem (Israel) for thousands of year. Jews Home land Problem: After Hitler Took the Power, Jews got for God Promised Land Jerusalem (Israel). As you know Hitler pushed many Jews from Europe to God Promised Land Jerusalem (Israel) by Holocaust drama.
Racism problem: Before Hitler Took the Power, Racism problem was in peak level. White Race used to think there are superior Race. Racism problem: After Hitler Took the Power, Hitler shown what is real taste of Racism by treating white Jews as low grade race. Then world started thinking about how to fix Racism problem.
League Nations: Before Hitler Took the Power, all Colonial Super Powers used to violate League Nations law and "League Nations" never used to work properly and became one toy in hands of Colonial Super Powers. Do you USA was not member of League Nations? United Nations: After Hitler Took the Power, Hitler made League Nations one big junkyard. After World War 2 Many countries joined together and started new organization "United Nation" Which is far better then League Nations. Now United Nations became toy in hands of Veto Nations.
Now, What would you say about Hitler?
You have two choices to say about Hitler!
    1) If you don’t take religion Holy Books reference then you have choice to say “Hell Hitler”
    2) If you do take religion Holy Books reference then you have choice to say “Heil Hitler”!
Choice is yours.. Don’t worry about Hitler because Hitler gone, NAZI gone. You Just wait for Nostradamus predicted "3rd AntiChrist" whose name is Kalki Avatar. Don’t show too much sympathy on Jews by remembering Hitler’s holocaust on Jews. Many people in the world don’t like sympathy from other because showing sympathy on others is one way of insulting. So if you show sympathy on Jews then they get hurt which is unjustified. Concept of sympathy applicable on person only when that person is depression. So you always in position to put other in Mania stage. 
8) More secreat operations of Hitlers!
Who invented Atomic bomb? 
Many people know about Great Scientist "Albert Einstein". Albert Einstein told many times that Hitler is evil person, Hitler should get killed and we should kill Hitler if not world Hitler will kill many people. But the fact is Albert Einstein was a follower of Hitler. Don’t you believe me? Then you should read below famous quotation of Albert Einstein! 
Albert Einstein Quotation: "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."
Above Albert Einstein Quotation you can get from external website::
If you decode Albert Einstein Quotation "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.” There are two statements exist in his Quotation. 
      1) I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought. 
      2) World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones. 
Decode format: In above Quotation first statement nothing special but peoples use atomic bombs and also advances technique in World War III. But there is something special in second statement, which is interesting. Second statement states that “World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones”. How it is possible in World War III people use bombs but in World War IV people use sticks and stones? Don’t they use much more advanced technique in World War IV when technology growing? If you take Holy Books Koran, Bible, Vedic Sastra reference then you can figure it out. If you decode Second statement further then you will know that World will end after World War III there won’t be any World War IV, pointing out Sticks and stones in second statement means world will restarts again and all technology will be wiped out in new world. Koran, Bible, Says world will end after Second come of Jesus but non of Holy books says world restarts again but concept of “ Restart of New World” exist in only Vedic Sastra. ". Only one place you can find World begins after world end i.e. in Vedic Sastra. How Albert Einstein knows about “World War IV, sticks, stones, and New World” because Hitler told about New World, Jews Home land, role of second come of Jews and etc because Hitler read Vedic Sastra by kidnapping Vedic Pundits. You still don’t believe that Albert Einstein was follower of Hitler (King Of Jews). You will believe when Albert Einstein diary disclosed it happens when Kalki Avatar appears. 
I repeat decoded Albert Einstein Quotation again: Quotation means that in World War 3 people use Nuclear weapons and if there are WW4 people use sticks and stones.  Albert used statement  "If there are World War 4", that means world doesn't exist after World War III, How Albert knows about it? Hitler told about it by reading "Vedic Sastra". Only one place you can find World begins after world ends i.e. in Vedic Sastra. 
People say "Atomic Bomb" invented by Albert Einstein but that is not true. Atomic Bomb formula exists in ancient book Vedic Sastra but its in encoding format. Hitler is the one who decoded from "Vedic Sastra" because Hitler took Vedic Pundits and interpreted in to German language. Not only atomic bomb formula but also many Vedic formulas like physics, Chemical, Theory of Relativity decoded by Hitler. People say Theory of Relativity discovered by Albert Einstein but concept of "Theory of Relativity" exists in Vedic Sastra. Albert Einstein kept Theory of Relativity incomplete and died. Hitler decoded many things from Vedic Sastra. That is the reason German country created technology boom in Hitler era including missile technology. Do you know Germany is the first country who made world’s first missile (V2), pilotless airplane and tested helicopter? After Hitler left from Germany all new technology boom disappeared. If you think Albert Einstein invented Atomic Bomb then who write Atomic Bomb Formula in ancient Vedic Sastra book? There are many scientific formulas exist in Vedic Sastra, which will be disclosed when Kalki Avatar appears. Use some common sense, How Albert Einstein knows that when Neutron penetrate Uranium nucleus there will be mass explosion? Why only Neutron why not other one. When Albert Einstein experiment first time without knowing any explosion then Albert Einstein won’t have survive in that mass explosion because entire city would have destroyed. Hitler was the one who decoded atomic bomb formula and gave that formula to Albert Einstein and allowed to leave from Germany to USA. The question rises why Albert Einstein didn’t leave to Germany’s enemy England and France, which are near to Germany. Why Albert Einstein left USA such a long distance from Germany? Because Albert Einstein was holding Atomic Bomb formula given by Hitler which is not safe if he lands in England. Because of Atomic Bomb Japan and USSR stopped World War 2. 
9) NAZI symbols and their meaning of symbols.
NAZI Used Symbols 

A) Definition of Swastik Symbol!  
Anti-Clock wise Swastik
Clock wise Swastik
Swastik rotation
Swastik is symbol of Lord Vishnu's "Vishnu Chakra".Chakra means Wheel.
a) Why Hitler selected swastik as his party symbol? 
     Reason because swastik is nothing but Lord Vishnu's "Vishnu Chakra". Only Vishnu Avatar lifts Swastik. Budda, Hitler, Kalki and other messenger  of God Swastik symbol. Swastik starts from Dwaraka Nager land which is now under ocean where Lord Krishna left from Earth. And Swastik ends in America Continent. Swastik always exist in America Continent which is New Land and discover after 1500 AD. To show proof that World (Kali Yuga) Already ended before. 
b) Why Hitler used Anti-Clock wise direction swastik? 
     Swastik is Anti-Clock wise direction for Western Country's and Clock wise direction for Eastern country's. Macca Masjid is center of the world Where GMT standard time should count. 
c) Why Hitler changed swastik name to swastik_a? 
    To not to get bad name for Swastik name. Reason behand adding character  "a" at the end of Swastik is "ka" initial for name Kalki. 
d) Why Hitler twisted swastik to 45 digree angle? 
     Reason behind twisting Swastik at 45 degree is world(Kali Yuga) is changing also call in Sanskrit language "Yuga Sandhi" Or Judgement days. 
e) Why Hitler selected red,white, and black colors? 
      Red for terror, White is for peace, Swastik is for "Vishnu Chakra" also called Justice in Sanskrit Dharma, and Black is for Justice is black also called color less also called transparent. So Justice is transparent doesn't have color. 
f) Why Hitler put white circle in swastik flag? 
When Swastik rotates speed look's like circle. 
B) Definition of Hitler's New Symbol!  
Left symbol is new symbol designed by Hitler and didn’t exist before Hitler took the birth. No one knows what is the real definition of this symbol. This symbol designed but not used by Hitler. I tell you fact.. This symbol meant for Suriya. Suriya word is "Sanskrit" language this means Sun, with this symbol we can make clock wise Swastik as well as anti clock wise Swastik, see right side animation picture. This will be German country flag.
C) Definition of Hitler's Cross Symbol!  
Did you see left symbol? Hitler used this cross symbol, Do you know what is this symbol? This is the Symbol of "AXE Weapon". This is one of ancient symbol in the world, you can find this symbol in England, Germany, France, Italy and other  Europe countries. This symbol is nothing to do Christen religion symbol. Origin of symbol is from India by Lord Padasu Rama Avatar. This symbol also called Lord Padasu Rama Avatar AXE weapon symbol. "Lord Padasu Rama" has big History I let you know later.
D) Definition of Hitler's "Yellow Star Of David" Symbol!  
Hitler used “Yellow Star of David” symbol to indicate indirect representation of Prophet “King Of Jews”. Why Hitler used only star? Because Jews believe star is Jews religion symbol but history says that star symbol start by King David. I want ask Jews what is real symbol of Jews religion whether star or something else? Hitler used “Yellow Star of David” to give indirect message to Jews that “Hitler is Prophet King of Jews”. Even if Hitler tell Jews that “Hitler is Lord King Of Jews”, Jews don’t believe because Jews Believe that Lord “King of Jews” comes from the King David dynasty. My impression is that there is no such a sing in any holy books that says Prophet King of Jews comes from King David dynasty. Many people don’t know one secret of King David, whether King David married King Solomon's mother before she got pregnant or after she got pregnant. Why Hitler used “Yellow Color” for “Yellow Star of David” symbol? Answer: You guess first answer I would let you know later, this answer is based on “Vedic Sastra”.
E) Definition of Hitler's 44 Symbol!  
Hitler used white color sing 44 symbol in NAZI flags. But many people don’t know what is the definition of 44 symbol. Actually this symbol meant for Natural Electric Thunder. This symbol used for youth, as you know youth are active, sharp, much power and violent. What I meant to say is this symbol is nothing but Natural Electric Thunder meant for Youth. 
F) Definition of Hitler’s strange skull Symbol!  

Did you see left top cross symbol? Do you know what is that symbol represents? Many Christens all over the world believe that symbol is something to do christens religion symbol cross. But that is not true, this symbol exists long before Jesus took the birth. This symbol is one of oldest symbol in the world. Actually this symbol meant for Skull and two hand bones, see right top animation picture you will understand. Hitler uses Skull and bones icon to make people of Germany fearless people. When ordinary people hold skull in their hand then they get scare, But doctors, scientists, cults, and saints don’t scare. Because doctors, scientists do study science. Cults and saints hold skull and would have feeling of emotion of the skull when it had life. As you know Skull is favorite item for
"Lord Shiva", "Kalki Avatar" and "3rd AntiChrist".

G) Impotence of Eagle icon  
Well, I need not to say many specialties about Eagle icon. Before Hitler exists many kings used Eagle icon. But in Hindu Holy books says something about Eagle, Hindus called “Garuda”. Garuda word came from ancient "Sanskrit language". Garuda plays major role with "Lord Venkateshwara". You can ask more about Garuda role with Lord Venkateshwara.
10) Who are Superior Race?
Know more about "White Pride World Wide"
Racist Says "White Pride World Wide". But that is not right way to say, Racist should say "Racist Pride God’s Hell”
1) "Racists" are too much depressed by looking at black race skin color. Depression of Racists continues as long as Racists have eyes, so let us pray God to take Racists eyes to solve Racists depression problem. 
2) As long as Racist People’s Country has Money to spend, food to eat and water to drink then racist thinks about racism. When Racist don’t have Money to spent, food to eat and water to drink then they think about money, food and water more then racism. Don’t worry Soon God going to make Racist to think about money, food and water. 
3) As you know Racists are too much depressed by looking at natural black colors in the world. To fix Racists depression problem let us give Antarctica Continent to Racists. Antarctica Continent is the place where complete land covered with white snow. Let us dedicate Antarctica Continent for Racists. Their Racists can see only white color all sides and they can eat only white racist fish and live. I strongly believe Racists don’t like to live in the world where black colors exist even they don’t like to see night because night color is black. I wish God solve Racists depression problem. 
4) Racists say their skin color is white but I am little confused and I don’t think Racist skin color is white. To Solve this problem I want Racist to go paint shop to ask for white color. When Racist ask paint shop owner for white color then shop owner gets you white color. You compare white color paint with your Racist skin color. I hope this tip solve white skin color problem. If Racist still don’t satisfy this method then shout at paint shop owner “I asked for white color paint that matches with my skin color….”. Do you know what paint shop owner going to say? Ooops, Ooo Genius man, You could have asked for “white trash” color I could have get you in first attempt. Do you know what kind of person the paint shop owner is? He is Aryan. I hope I fixed Racist color blindness problem. 
"Racist Pride God’s Hell". Long live Racist's Hell.
Long live Racist and long live God’s Racist Hell
I hope Racist  are happy because they have beautiful place, So Racist should say "Racist Pride God’s Hell”. Long live Racist Place.
1) White people think that their race is superior race, If that is the case who is the mistake?  
The soul that enters in Black body, is that soul mistake?
The God who decides soul to enter in Black body is God mistake?
The Evil soul who resides in White body is that Evil soul mistake?
The God who decides Evil soul to enter in White body is God mistake?
If White people race is superior race then 
Why White people sale their goods to Black people?
Why White people buy Goods from Black people?

2) One religion people think that their religion is superior religion, If that is the case who is the mistake? 
The Soul that enters in other religion body is that soul mistake?
The God who decides soul to enter in other religion body is God mistake?
The Evil soul who resides in superior religion body is that Evil soul mistake?
The God who decides Evil soul to enter in superior religion body is God mistake?
If superior people religion is superior religion then 
Why superior religion people sale their goods to other religion people?
Why superior religion people buy Goods from other religion people?

3) Higher cast people think that their cast is superior cast, If that is the case who is the mistake?  

The Soul that enters in other cast body is that soul mistake?
The God who decides soul to enter in other cast body is God mistake?
The Evil soul who resides in Higher cast body is that Evil soul mistake?
The God who decides Evil soul to enter in Higher cast body is God mistake?
If Higher cast people are superior cast then 
Why Higher cast people sale their Goods to other cast people?
Why Higher cast people buy Goods from other people?

4) One Beautiful face person thinks that their beauty is great, If that is the case who is the mistake?  

The Soul that enters in ugly face person is that soul mistake?
The God who decides soul to enter in ugly face person is God mistake?
The Evil soul who resides in Beautiful face person is that Evil soul mistake?
The God who decides Evil soul to enter in Beautiful face person is God mistake?
Beauty resides in behavior of the person not in person face. After death, if dead body buried then worms eat beautiful flesh which you call beauty face. After death, If dead body burned then beautiful face will be ash. Do you know beautiful face female beauty disappears after that female deliver  kids? But behavior won’t disappear.

5) When you are discriminate servants then you should remember that you works for higher official do you higher official should discriminate you? Do you know King or President is servant for people? 

Any feeling in the body exist as long as body alive but disappears after death as you know Soul don’t have any feeling and it won’t take anything with that after death except Dharma.  

At last I want to say "Aryan are superior race". Yes, Aryan’s are superior race. Aryan word came from Sanskrit Language, India and meaning of Aryan is Nobel person. If you don’t believe me ask Hindu Vedic Pundits they are going to explain. So, Aryan’s are superior race, whatever Aryan do justified because they are Nobel people. Aryan’s don’t do any mistake because they are noble people. If some body do any mistake then they are not Aryan’s because they are not Nobel people. 

Did you see below picture? Who is he? Guess it!
This is actual “2000 years old Jesus” picture. Do you think Jesus was white? No, Jesus was not white and he was average skin color like Indian skin color. Don’t you believe me then wait for “Second Come Jesus (Bible)”. Second Come Of Jesus already took the birth and watching everybody. Now, Do you have dare to talk about racism?
11) The 3rd Anti Christ "Kalki Avatar" message for World?!
As you know Nostradamus predicted 3rd AntiChrist whose name is Kalki Avatar. He is the one who starts World War 3. 3rd AntiChrist is 1000 times worst then German Hitler. As you know I wrote so much information about Hitler and Nostradamus predicted 3rd AntiChrist in my website by this time you guessed it who am I. Well, Kalki Avatar is nice man and he won’t use words such as “Peace On Terror” or “War On Terror” but he uses beautiful word such as “Terror On Terror” because Kalki Avatar is nice man. So, I am BACK IN FIELD. Watch out my punches in Judgement Days. 
I want to give good advise for Jews that don’t look for Lord “King Of Jews” any more because “King Of Jews” already came and left. Hey what is the purpose to look for “King Of Jews” when Jews already got God promised land Jerusalem (Israel)? Wait and see what is going to happen Fate of Jerusalem when Second Come of Jesus appears in Judgement Days. 

I do have some questions can any one clarify? 

1) Hitler pushed Jews out of Germany, Jews pushed Palestine Muslims out of Israel. What is difference between these two activities? If “What Hitler did on Jews is wrong?” then “What Jews did on Palestine Muslims is also wrong?”. If “What Jews did on Palestine Muslims is right?” then “What Hitler did on Jews is also right?” 

2) Hitler blocked all Jews bank account when Hitler was in power, Israel blocked all funds from other countries to Palestine Muslims when Hamas whose got elected by democratically. What is difference between these two activities? If “What Hitler did on Jews is wrong?” then “What Jews did on Palestine Muslims is also wrong?”. If “What Jews did on Palestine Muslims is right?” then “What Hitler did on Jews is also right?”. 

"Hamas" is not terrorist Organization, Hamas is a beautiful organization that has two parts one part do social work and other part do fight for justice. Hamas started by spiritual leader Sheik Ahmed Yassin who had got assassinated by Israel gun ship. But "Fathe and PLO" is terrorist Organizations. International organizations should have banned Fathe and PLO. Fathe and PLO creating big problems in Israel and Palestine conflict. No problem Second Come Of Jesus (Bible) solve Israel and Palestine conflict. 

3) Why worldwide countries and United Nations not talking about 1947 United Nation partition map to solve Israel and Palestine conflict ? 

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