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Chapter Index
Click Below Link
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Invitation from Swastik Organization to all
This page is based on Holy Koran Sura 1,75,79, :: Al-Fatihah, Al –Qayamat, an-Nazi-at. In this page worldwide Muslims know what really happening in Middle East for last 5 years, Simple methods to win war in Middle East. This page triggers world war 3 in western world |
01 |
What is Kalki (Lord Venkateshwara) Avatar.
What Vedic Sastra and Kalki purna says about Kalki (Venkateshwara)?
What Koran, Bible Holy Book says about Kalki, Jesus Second Comes,
Isa Asalam? Who is Nostradamus's Anti Christ, King Of Jews? What
Veerabrahmam says about Kalki? |
02 |
Kalki Picture, his hand & Signs Prints.
Kalki hand signs Lotus, Shankam, Moon, Star, Peacock Feather, Swastik,
Sun, Foots of Vishnu and Weapon. Kalki picture |
03 |
How to trap False Kalki?
I have written some statements to trap false
Kalki who is staying
in Chitturu/ AP/ India. He is fooling people, looting money,
gold, land and killing people's time. So his end of day's are near.. Read
His section, ask questions, trap him and tell him
04 |
Germany Hitler’s Secret Operation.
Why Hitler made Swastik symbol as his party symbol? Why Hitler killed
6 million Jews? Why Hitler went World War 2? Hitler didn't die in bunker,
Why Hitler did such drama? Why Hitler told that "One day Nazi Victorious"?Who
invented Atomic bomb? |
05 |
Future Predictions for India by based on Holy Books!
How India becomes superpower? How India becomes world richest country? What is the fate of all politicians and corrupted people? What way India going to play major role in world leadership? How to fix poor people problems in India? Who is going rule in India? |
06 |
Future Predictions how Kalki Control Bharath!
How Kalki control Bharath? How Corona Virus started? Who are Kalki Avatar wives Padma and Lakashmi? Hoe Bharath Kand become united one kand? How Kalki bring Bharath wealth from stolen dirty countries? Who is going rule in India? How Kalki Avatar control terrarists in Bharath? |
07 |
Nostradamus predicted "End Of The World (Kali Yuga)"?
What is the meaning of "End OF The World (Kali Yuga)"? Do End of Great
civilization with proof (world already Ended before) exists? Holy Bible
mentioned Anti Christ sine "666".. Don't you want to know what is that?
How Swastik Symbol reached in America Continent? |
08 |
What is Swastik?, Birth of Swastik and End of Swastik.
Why Swastik has four wings? Where is the origine of Swastik? Where
is the End of Swastik? What Swastik does? Does Koran Holy book described
about Swastik? Proof that shows Kali Yuga (World) Already ended before. Why Hitler
used Swastik Symbol? |
09 |
Bible:: Jesus Second come, Koran::
Isa asalam Second come.
What is Jesus religion? Why Jesus didn’t have father? Did Jesus was
black or white? Did Mary virgin before Jesus took the Birth? From where
Jesus comes second time? What will be Jesus second come religion? What
would happen when Jesus comes second time? |
10 |
Holy Books Quran, Bible and Telmud interpretation.
Koran, Bible, Telmud judgement days information!, Hazrat Isa Asalam
(Jesus Second Come). Who is Mehadhi Asslam? Who is Dajjal, what he does?
Who is Yajuj Majuj and what is his Iron Gate Barrier (Koran says). How
badly Yajuj Majuj need petrol from Iraq. |
11 |
Kala Chakra, Dharma Chakra,
Karma Chakra.
What is Kala Chakra (Time Wheel)? What way it applicable to Soul? What
is Dharma Chakra (Justice Wheel)? What way it applicable to Soul?
What is Karma Chakra (Judgement Wheel)? What way it applicable to Soul?
12 |
God Judgment days from Year 2000 AD.
How GOD follows rules to decide Judgement (Punishment)? How Kashmir
Earthquake, Indonesia Tsunami and USA Hurricane Katrina happened? How GOD
destroyed USA from year 2000 to year 2003? Where Jesus and Mary (Maria)
dead Body Buried? |
13 |
Answers for Nostradamus predictions in
Dooms Days
Who is Anti Christ 3? What is World War 3? What is End of the World?
What is Man made mountain? Who is sudden Death of President? Who Sudden
Death of UN top Official? What is sudden appearing of smoke? Where sudden
stoke market collapse? |
14 |
Decode information of Leonardo Da Vinci Code.
Who is Leonardo Da Vinci? What is hidden information of Da Vinci "Vitruvian Man" Code? What is hidden information of Da Vinci "Mona Lisa" Code? What is hidden information of Da Vinci "Last Supper" Code? Do you know “Last Supper” code has most dangerous decode? |
15 |
My Mystery Scientific Research & Solution Papers. End of Great Civilization with proof (World already destroyed before).
How Solar System Planets got created? How star took the birth who started
fire on Sun (Star)? How Black Hole got created? What is the shape of Universe?. How life
came to earth? DoUFO exists? Do God Exists? |
16 |
Water (Hydrogen) Energy Mystery.
2H2O + CATALYST+ Little Energy --> 2H2 +
2H2 + O2 --> Mass Energy + 2H2O
CATALYST is a chemical compound that acts faster to split hydrogen and
oxygen in water.CATALYST mention in Rig Veda. |
17 |
What is Kama Sutra workout book?
This chapter is not for Kids. What Holy Books says about Kama Activity.
This chapter has interesting sections that make couples happy. Those sections
are “Ancient Medicine for Kama Activity”, Physiology tips for Kama Activity,
and what is reality. This is for couples in the world. |
18 |
Answer for World AIDS Virus
disease problem.
Do Vedic Sastra have cure for AIDS Virus Disease?
Yes, In Judgement days God will solution for AIDS problem. Do Rocks has
life what way we can prove it? Yes, Rock has life in the form of dry Virus.
What is Specialty of Virus in Eggs? Can we collect Jesus DNA from 2005
years old cloth? |
19 |
Who really did World Tread Center
Bin Laden didn't do World Trade Center Attack.
I gave enough evidence to USA on 16/July/2003. Yajuj Majuj did World Trade
Center Attack. Do you know who are Yajuj Majuj? |
20 |
David Kelly got Killed by USA, Israel
jews involved in Iraq war
Israel jews involved in Iraq war plan.
David Kelly Death Information. I indirectly
involved in David Kelly death. Janice is wife of Mr. David
Kelly is staying in England can easily recognize Mr. David Kelly
face. Message for British HomeOffice, MI5 (SIS) and MI6 organizations in
England. |
21 |
What complaint I gave it to Livermore Police/CA/USA
Complaint on 16/July/2003 at 8.30 am I gave complaint to Livermore
Police/ CA/ USA regarding Iraq war and World Trade Center Attack. Livermore
Police forwarded complaint papers to FBI. Four pages of complaint word
document included in this Page |
22 |
Palestinian Muslims problem solution
Do Vedic Sastra Holy Book has answer for Palestinian, Israel problem?
Biblical times: History of Jerusalem (Palestine)? What are Changes in Israeli-Palestinian
area map? Do you know what really happened from Abraham (Ibraheem) time
to 1250BC in Israel and Palestinians places? |
23 |
How to Solve Sunni and Shia Muslims Problem?
How to Solve Sunni and Shia Muslims Problem and make them united? What is Allah’s 100th name? Can Yajuj Majuj bomb on Iran? Who is the Dajjal who creates problem left and right? (not me!). Why Dajjal character didn’t mention in Muslims ultimate Holy Book Koran?
24 |
How Galaxy got created?
How Galaxy got created? How many types of Galaxies exist? Creation of Galaxy is natural or artificial? Do Big Bang theory is valid or not? How Black hole plays role to create Galaxy? Can we make our own Galaxy?
25 |
How Kalki Activities Works in Kalki's Hell Place?
I strongly recommend normal people not to see this WebPage because I made this WebPage for only Evil people to set right their brain and activities. I kept few terrific pictures that show how Kalki’s hell looks like. In future I do keep many picture which will be all combination of punishments.
26 |
How to give 100% powers to Dajjal Prophet
In this WebPage I gave set of instruction that gives powers to Dajjal Prophet. When Dajjal Prophet have control over entire Arab Country Oil supply then Dajjal Prophet powers will reach 100%. |
27 |
Holy Koran Surah from 1 to 114
In this Chapter you would see all Holy Koran Surahs from 1 to 114 in English and also I kept Public Space where people write something about definition of each Holy Koran Surah. I also want to write something for each Surah so I kept "My Answer" section.
28 |
Isa Asalam Message Board for Dajjal Prophet Asalam
This chapter is "Message Board for Dajjal Prophet". I do keep messages for Dajjal Prophet by based on Dajjal Prophet activities. I do keep on updating this chapter by putting messages for Dajjal Prophet till Dajjal Prophet looses all powers. All messages meant for Dajjal Prophet |
29 |
Extra Powers and Techniques for Jihad Worriers.
In this chapter I added extra technique for better Jihad to reach 200,000 score. This operation is called "Extra Powers Dhamayanthi Part 1". I already gave operation "Dhamayanthi" before. Both operations has different techniques. In this chapter you will find very easy techniques for better Jihad. |
30 |
Extreme Middle East and Iraq Muslims abuse pictures.
In Chapter I kept nearly 80 Iraq Prisoners abuse pictures. These abuse pictures are original collected from Internet. I don’t have Iraq Prisoners gay abuse pictures because you won’t find in Internet. I wrote message for worldwide Muslims that say's what is my opinion on these pictures. |
31 |
Prime Questions for world People to fix Worldwide Problems.
In this Chapter I mentioned Questions for United Nations, USA President GW Bush, Russia President Mr. Putin, Worldwide Muslims, Islam Priest and Christianity religion people. And message regarding Dhamayanthi and message for worldwide people Mr. Gadan. |
32 |
How to fix World Wide Political Problem? -World
War 3: East
In this holy page you will know how Dajjal create World War
3 in East. I wrote how to fix worldwide problems by using simple
methods. This World war is good entertainment for world. This war protocol
designed by Kalki Avatar and this is the war between Evil and Good people.
33 |
My Journey with Indian Mujahedeen
How Indian Mujahedeen formed? History of Indian Mujahedeen from year 2003 to year 2012. Lubini Park and Gokul chat to support me.UK Glasgow International Airport attack on Tony Blair exit from Prime Minister chair.
34 |
Solutions for world problems part 4
Furture of world stock market. Fate of GW Bush, Solutions to human disease problems. Solutions to human bipolar (mad) problem, Solutions to Babri Masjid and Ram Mandir problem and answer for Chakra Yuha |
35 |
Potuluri Virabrahmendra Swami Predictions
This chapter contains video and script of Potuluri Virabrahmendra Swami Predictions. There are 116 predictions and two parts of videos. This chapter updates frequently. All predictions are verified by me. |
36 |
All Religions, Holy Symbols and Holy Books
How many religions exists in world?, What is Noha rainbow means?, What are all holy symbols exists related to religions? What are different religions books exists in the world? This page keep on updates |
What is 666 sign and How to calculate 666?  This is funny page of sign 666. What is sign 666?, What Bible says about 666 sign?, How to calculate 666 sign?, What Aryabatta zero applicable to 666 sign? more information about 666 sign
Page is designed for DRDO, RAW and Military of Bharath.  Here you will find many methods for DRDO, RAW and Military to improve strength to Bharath. These methods cause military equipment invisible to latest technology and invisible information flow. And solder will have strength to fight.
39 |  | Page contains details how Kalki connected to all Religions.  Kalki connected Sikh, Muslims, Christians and all religions. How Kalki takes actions all over world. How India becomes super power and richest country. How Kalki controlls world. How Kalki controls terrorists all over world and more. |  |
40 |  | Future upcoming next interesting chapter's in www.swastik.org  What are Secrets of Universe? What are Secrets Vedas? What are Secrets Theory of Relativity? What are Secrets mass of Earth Planet? What are Secrets birth and death of living life? What are Secrets of Soul? What are Secrets Mind Travel techniques? Secrets of MahaBharath War? |  |
41 |  | Information about this website "https://www.swastik.org"  What are set of Instructions before you start reading this WebSite? No. Of Hits for Pages in Swastik organization WebSite. What are resources used to construct this WebSite? Invitation to Computer Hackers to hack this Site. What is meaning, description and importance of Gayatri Mantra? |  |
42 |  | Swastik Organization Contact Page  In this page you will find postal address of me, Phone number to contact, Email address of me and Facebook public comment space. I would read all email sent from here. |  |