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Sniper Operation
What is "Sniper"? How their action works? Why they are invisible?
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This Web Page contains following information.
Section Index Click Below Links
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01) Qualitys of Isa Asalam's Soilders 
02) How to get more strength from Sikh (Khalsa) 
03) How to get more strength from IRA (Northern Ireland) 
04) How to get more strength from NAZI (Germany) 
05) Micro Soft False Mines Game 
06) How to do Jihad from out side? Use Cyber war technique. 
07) Secret Information Transfer (Enigma Machine software) 
08) Operation Qayamat Festivals 
09) Operation Dhamayathi 
10) Finishing touch 
01) Qualitys of Isa Asalam's Soilders
Dear Dajjal Prophet,

Subject: How  Isa Asalam ’s soldiers  should have following qualities

      Dear Dajjal Prophet, here I wrote some instructions how to proceed. I already gave powers in invitation cards and this page will give you complete powers. I hope you can handle situation. If anything problem comes then point out finger at me I know how to give answer to world. 

    01) Isa Asalam ’s soldiers don’t have any religion. 
    02) Isa Asalam ’s soldiers work independent.
    03) Isa Asalam ’s soldiers can say lies to only Yajuj Majuj as long as soldiers don’t get caught.
    04) Isa Asalam ’s soldiers point out finger at Isa Asalam after they Jailed. 
    05) Isa Asalam ’s soldiers will be released by Isa by shutting down Oil Supply.
    06) Isa Asalam ’s soldiers makes other religions and other group involve in your Jihad like Sikh religion and Khalsa, Ireland IRA, German NAZI when they need and get more support in Yajuj Majuj country. Give first preference to “Sikh religion and Khalsa”
    07) Isa Asalam ’s soldiers uses Sniper technique (Search Yahoo) and behave like normal person.
    08) Isa Asalam ’s soldiers uses tricks when they see CCTV Camera, 
      a) Putting head down. 
      b) Using Black glass. 
      c) Acting like reading book.
      d) Playing walkman player 
      e) Use left hand fingers on right side chick, as if you have itching problem on right side chick.
      f) Acting like using cloth and cleaning face. 
    09) When Isa Asalam ’s soldiers face Yajuj Majuj police then Isa Asalam ’s soldier don’t run and change face expression. If you run then they suspect and shoot you. If you put scary face then they arrest you. So behave like normal person as if you don’t know any thing.
    10) Isa Asalam ’s soldiers give following preferences according to time and situations.
      a) Mass destruction’s with zero casualties.
      b) Zero destruction more old people casualties using sniper techniques. (old people saw world).
      c) Mass destruction’s with more casualties.
      d) False information and make Yajuj Majuj run left and right.
     Well, I used following statement in other page, "Muslims shouldn’t command holocaust on Yajuj Majuj but Yajuj Majuj themselves start holocaust on immigrants that triggers immigrants holocaust on Yajuj Majuj then later worldwide people should shout to holocaust white people by African blacks in South Africa and other African countries. If immigrants start holocaust on Yajuj Majuj then mistake goes on Immigrants it shouldn’t happen. When time goes on Yajuj Majuj starts holocaust on Immigrants so this mistake goes on Yajuj Majuj. You don’t talk anything about holocaust they themselves start holocaust". Yes Muslims shouldn’t give command to do holocaust but Isa Asalam ’s soldiers can give command to do holocaust because Isa Asalam ‘s soldiers are not Muslims and not belong to any religion and work for Justice. Isa Asalam ’s soldiers are Aryans also called Noble people. At last I strongly recommend you instead of buying Machine Guns buy Sniper guns and use sniper technique. Do you know Sniper Gun is 1000 times better than Machine Gun? Instead of thinking and going as suicide bomber you should think how to use optimal technique because life won’t come back but prisoner will come out because Oil sanctions and Yajuj Majuj don’t have enough Jails to keep many people. I hope you do well and make sure what you do.
Note: I used wrong English Grammar to respect other languages.


02) How to get more strength from Sikh (Khalsa)
Click here below link:
    This is Sikh religion symbol and this will be popular terrific symbol in Yajuj Majuj country so you can use this symbol in terror drama Yajuj Majuj country. After seeing incident then Sikh religion people will rise and give full support. Unzip file and take printout of khalsa.doc keep one stone in paper and throw causality places and also you can stick paper in college, school  and other places. As you know Sikh people need to do settlement for Jalianwala Bagh in Judgement Days. It is Yellow (Kesari) color and Blue color. Some where I read two colors in Muslims Holy Books. Well, You can get yellow color cloths in Sikh temples on Sunday.
03) How to get more strength from IRA (Northern Ireland)
Click here below link:
     This is popular terrific symbol in Yajuj Majuj country so you can use this symbol in terror drama Yajuj Majuj country. After seeing incident then Ireland IRA will rise again. Unzip file and take printout of ira.doc keep one stone in paper and throw causality places and also you can stick paper in college, school, bathroom and other places.
04) How to get more strength from NAZI (Germany).
Click here below link:
     This is popular terrific symbol in Yajuj Majuj country so you can use this symbol in terror drama Yajuj Majuj country. After seeing incident then German NAZI will rise again. Unzip file and take printout of nazirise.doc keep one stone in paper and throw causality places and also you can stick paper in college, school, bathroom and other places.
05) Micro Soft False Mines Game
     Well, this technique applicable to Jihad person who doesn’t want to do adventure. So, when you see any Asian person getting down from car and their car parked in market place then note down car number. Call Police or call long distance friend to call police and inform police that “I am informer and giving secret information that car that has number XYZ contains bomb and he is going explode that place that causes casualties”. Remember you should remember Car number and location. You should give false identity name. You may ask me  “O Isa Asalam why should we tell lie and don’t you know saying lie is against Holy Koran?” The answer is when Yajuj Majuj told “weapon of mass destruction in Iraq” lies for world and went illegal war that caused almost 200,000 lives.  Don’t you think saying lie is Judgement in Judgement Days? Well, have a wish in Qayamat I want to say lie for Yajuj Majuj. So when many people call and give false information then police in Yajuj Majuj country run left and right and will be very busy. This is also call operation cat and mouse.
06) How to do Jihad from out side Yajuj Majuj country? Use Cyber war technique.
     Whenever you have free time open much Yajuj Majuj country WebSites, Here all WebSite means Police, Parliament members, Government Organization, School, College Business companies WebSite and copy all emails and store in file. Sometimes in your email accounts you would get Junk emails. So open those Junk email and click Junk WebSite link paste emails in those Junk WebSite. Yajuj Majuj country company will Junk emails. This is one type of Cyber War. Same way you can paste emails in Many Porno WebSite. Some people don’t like my technique, But I would tell you that this is one technique to stop Junk mails. As you know if police and Member of Parliament people gets Junk email, they definitely try to put end to Junk email WebSite. If you don’t follow this technique then to Junk mailer send juke emails in your account all time. 

     Some time you won’t find Emails in Yajuj Majuj country WebSites but you can find Form, text field and submit button. In that case copy all webpage filter it keep only CGI link with form and initialize with text in text field make simple page and give it to Cyber War Jihad followers. Cyber War Jihad followers simply click “Submit Button” and then “Back” Button and again Submit button. Off course some times they need to change subject text values to confuse Yajuj Majuj. This is called Cyber War Jihad. If thousands of people start doing this technique then Yajuj Majuj database will be filled. If you use testing tool software infinite loop then more effective and sleep nicely.

07) Secret Information Transfer (Enigma Machine software)
     Keeping Secret Information and transferring Secret Information are important. I divided this information in two parts. 
    1) How to keep Secret Information? 
    2) How to send Secret Information? 
    3) Other measurements 
1) How to keep Secret Information? 
    a) You always try to edit, update or maintain document in computer in only one specific date ex: 21/Oct/2006 because if any one comes and do enquiry then they shouldn’t trace different dates when you maintain documents. So always change system date to one date when you do work on document. 
    b) Look windows directory for time and date when Windows installed. Change system date and time to Windows installed date and time. Select all secret files and Zip all secret documents and rename file extension zip to any type EXE or any type.  Delete any useless EXE or any type file in windows directory or any software directory.  Replace name to your document zip pile and keep Windows operating system file directory. 
    c) Even if you delete Secret files then data on hard disk still exists. So to remove those data I do have one technique. Open one text file and fill 4 lines of Junk characters and close it.  Open one folder and Keep that file. Copy that file and do paste multiple time. "Select all", Copy and Paste . Do this process till operating system says your hard dick is full.  Delete all files. These methods clears all hidden deleted secret file information in hard disk. Off course this process takes long time if your hard disk is huge so always keep C: drive small size 3Gb enough. Well, don’t forget to delete files in c:\Windows\TEMP directory before you start doing this process. 
    d) Some string exists in Windows registry you can search all string by running software regedit.exe in RUN box. 
    e) Use Hex Editor software to view word document or binary data, if any of your name or signature exists then put “x” characters and save. Hex Editor software exists in CD.
2) How to send Secret Information? 
    a) You can put information in Image file 
    b) Rename file in to ZIP and then EXE file and then transfer the file. 
    c) You can keep file in any free WebSite space and access entire world from collage or friends computer. 
    d) You can design 10X10 or 100X100-matrix image fills multiple alphabets and multiple integers in 100X100 Matrix. Send this Image or image generated software to different locations. Later you can send (x , y) coordinates. Example (20,31) , (64,34), (87,23), (34,98), (23,90) …  (34,65). If you search alphabets and integers then you would find string like “Hello world, time is 21/Oct/2006” etc.  This type of software is called enigma Machine software. It can generate multiple images if you enter different numbers.
3) Other measurements 
    a) Do you know enemy watched starting point, Bandwidth, information bits, and ending point of FAX. After sending FAX enemies also regenerate you Fax and read your FAX. When you send FAX make sure what you send. 
    b)  When you see cable TV you should know what channel you are watching. For Example you are watching BBC News through SIM chip DTS Cable TV then any one can trace who are watching BBC news in which location from when to when. As you know BBC News watch ver few in India. 
    c) Even if you change SIM card in Cell phone Police can trace you by Cell Phone serial ID. Example you used one SIM in One Cell phone later you throw the SIM card and used new SIM card. So when you used old SIM your Phone serial ID also goes Phone exchange.  So later when you use new SIM then they trace you. 
    d) When you use Laptop or ordinary computer accessing Internet your computer number also goes. Well, it is not IP address but long number computer no you can see this trace number backside laptop. So if you want to do any adventure you should dedicate computer only for adventure not for other because they can trace location change. If you want misuse public Internet café IP addresses at home then you should dedicate your computer forever adventure and don’t use personal IP address after you started using public Internet café IP. 
    e) You shouldn’t keep your pen drive continuously in USB because data swap software runs at background so you remove as soon as after you copy. 
    f) Don’t keep on sitting on computer just use Offline browser to download entire WebSite and open in computer which don’t have Internet connection. 
    g) When you want to talk secret talk then keep mouth near ears because spy bugs.
08) Operation Qayamat Festivals.
Operation Qayamat Camp Fire (Bogi): Qayamat Bogi is not meant for concrete Jungle but meant for only Wooden Houses. Well, you should use only Middle East Petrol because they need cheap petrol from Iraq. As you know all gas stations have Middle East Petrol mix. 

Operation Qayamat Diwali: You know what is the definition of Fire Works in Qayamat. When you don’t find SIM cards then you can select Alarm clock that has hours, Minutes, Seconds needles. Hours, Minutes, Seconds should be metal or copper bind. If you want hours trigger then takeout Minutes, Seconds needles and keep only Hours needles. Many times you need to experiment with bulb light at home before you start implementing this formula. As you know SIM is overmuch traceable. 

Operation Qayamat Eid-Ul-Zuha (Bakrid) festival: Abraham Asalam used sward to cut Goat but in Qayamat all time you won’t find sward but in olden days when hunter don’t have sward then they used to follow one technique. This technique is called sudden break of skull from backside. That causes unconscious or sudden death. Goat won’t feel pain, as you know pain is much more horrible than death. So in Qayamat Days no body in a position to take care Yajuj Majuj old people because Isa Asalam sanctions so I selected first Yajuj Majuj old people as a Goat for Operation Qayamat Eid-Ul-Zuha (Bakrid) festival. If Yajuj Majuj cross the limits then you can declare all age. As you know they scored 200,000 runs in Iraq. Old people skulls break from backside without knowing them and no pain but only unconscious and then death.  You can get instructions from doctors which medical injection used for unconscious or sudden death. 

Operation Qayamat Cricket: As you know Yajuj Majuj favorite game is Cricket and they started batting and scored almost 200,000 civil lives so now Aryan should start batting. Aryan should win this Cricket and Aryan should score 200,000 civil lives to win the Cricket. This is call Operation Qayamat Cricket game.

09) Operation Dhamayathi
        When one country is powerful and you are not in a position to win victory over that powerful country then you should think about that powerful country loophole and weakness. When you use powerful country loopholes and weakness then chances of wining war over powerful country will increases. At this time instead of thinking going war over USA you should think how to use USA to fix your problems. Here I write set of instructions how to use USA to fix your problems. You should execute these instructions in order I mean one after one and you should do all work before President Bush leave from Office or before President Bush Assassination (If any). President Bush is well prepared, Vice President is much more worst then Bush he is the one who handled major work on Iraq.  Well, all below points are based on International law and past experience incidents. All below points can be execute by shutting down the Oil supply in entire Arab Countries. If you are not in a position to shutdown oil supply then I rises Allah’s 100th name. Execute below instruction sequence in any point and must be optimal. 
    01) Very first you send “David Kelly” and “Bin Laden hand cut” pictures in Police Cyber Forensic Lab and get Verification Certificate and then declare world. 

    02) When you conform that Israel Prime Minister Arial Sharon involved in Iraq war then you distribute CD every Imam in many places and then you make news public. Publish all 18-invitation cards in Newspapers that I gave you in CD last time. People get alert and then get nuts and show angry, all world going to know reality about fraud in Iraq war. 

    03) Form Islam Court of Justice by inviting honest people and make Imam Dajjal messenger Layeeq (to prove Hadith, Well, Layeeq called me “I am Don”. Tell him that I am not Don). 

    04) Create such a situation that creates world wide Muslims show high terror without damaging any public property. 

    05) Shutdown entire Middle East oil supply by shutting down Oil Refineries. When you shutdown Oils Refineries then worldwide countries put more pressure on USA. 

    06) All Middle East oil refinery should close and no worker in a position to attend any oil refinery in Middle East. 

    07) Entire World will be under pressure because of Oil and support Muslims to demand to disclose all Middle East Conflict. 

    08) Put more pressure on USA to disclose David Kelly Assassination report, Arial Sharon involvement and other Dark side people role in Iraq War. 

    09) Put more pressure on USA to disclose WTC attack and back ground hidden American role. 

    10) When Saddam created problem while he was ruling then USA sent army and bombed on Iraq. So you should put more pressure on USA to bomb on England. (USA already kept spy satellite on England three years back because I gave advice three years back). 

    11) When USA bomb on England do you think England keep quite? No, they both fight. 

    12) Islam Court should control all Muslims in the world. Make all Muslims in the world should obey order from you. 

    13) Pull down all Middle East Governments who support Western Country, separate head from body all Saudi Arabia king and other minister and make Bin Laden son Saudi Arabia King (This option you can use any time). 

    14) Some western country oil refineries exist in Middle East and dumping oil wastage in Middle East so take over those Oil refineries. 

    15) When USA gone war on Iraq for Saddam evil activity then USA should also go war on England. USA should also use NATO same way they used on Kosavo and Afghanistan. 

    16) When USA used B2 bomber and missiles on Iraq for Saddam evil activity then USA should also throw missiles on England. 

    17) When USA sent weapon of mass destruction inspectors to Iraq then USA should also send weapons of mass destruction inspectors to England and disarms all England weapons. 

    18) Put pressure on United Nation to send nuclear inspectors to England. Same way they UN did for Iraq and tell them clear all nuclear bombs and reactor and nuclear plants. 

    19) USA and UN should keep their army base in England. 

    20) USA should separate Northern Ireland and other islands from England same England and USA separate Israel and Palestine. 

    21) Put pressure on USA to Impose Sanctions on England same way USA imposed Sanctions on many countries. If USA says Prime Minister did mistake why should people suffer by imposing Sanctions? Then you should say Saddam did mistake why should Iraq people suffer? If USA says Prime minister removed from his position so England shouldn’t get sanction then you should say Saddam was top most position in Iraq so you should remove England Kingdom to remove sanction. Kingdom in England is top most position in England, without their signature England can’t send army to Iraq. To reduce sanctions in England then England should deport all royal family out of England forever. 

    22) Collect all sanctions information that USA imposed on other country by putting computer professionals in Internet center and study. Use same sanction on England. It is mental torture for both England and USA. When USA white people see England white people don’t have food to eat then USA white people become crazy it is some kind of mental torture that world going to see. 

    23) Put pressure on USA to release Gautamabay/Cuba Al-Qaida prisoners unconditionally, And London train bombers from England. 

    24) Till you finish all above work you don’t buy American products and randomly impose oil sanctions on other country who do imports from USA and England. 

    25) Put pressure on England to give all countries national treasure stolen from other country in colonial time. Off course they can't give Gold when they are going bankrupt but they can give other country heritage treasure stolen in colonial time. 

    26) Lot of damage happened in illegal Iraq war so in response to Iraq war England should compensate one trillion dollars, USA should compensate 500 billion dollars and Israel should compensate 100 billion dollars. Regarding England one trillion dollars I would suggest don’t take England currency but take only other country currency stock in England and gold because England currency will be useless. 

    27) Who is going to marry physically handicapped people In Iraq? They got handicapped in Iraq war. Well, get Christians girls and Nons. As you know Christianity is illegal religion and won’t be exist in future. So physically handicapped people will get life partner. For handicapped females go for second marriage. 

    28) Tell USA and England to hand over all people list who are involved in WTC and Iraq war to Isa Asalam because Isa Asalam going to take one eye without pain killer medicine and give beautiful torture. 

    29) Tell USA to takeout USA army bases from only Muslims countries. Don’t ask for other countries because I don’t get chance to keep army base near USA. 

    30) Tell USA to destroy complete wall between Israel and Palestine. 

    31) Open and look for Saddam hang picture. When you observe picture you will see no movement just after one-second beginning of hang. Person shakes the body for sometime when they start hangs and they won’t hang without cloth on face because blood bleeds from eyes, and nose. And they used soft cloth on Saddam body in wooden box not to get doubt breathing. So if you dig Saddam grave then you will find Saddam mystery. Nostradamus also predicted about dig grave incident. 

    32) Put pressure on Northern Ireland and Scotland that as long as you are part of UK country Northern Ireland and Scotland also face Oil sanctions. If Northern Ireland and Scotland separated from UK then Oil will be supplied. If you give such statements then Northern Ireland and Scotland people also try to fight to separate from UK. That gives you more powers to you. 

    33) Nationalize all Arab Country oil well. Send all other country organization out of Arab countries. 

    34) Put one condition for Europe white race to carry Passport or ID to distinguish England people and other Europe Race. Don’t allow England race into World. This is exact revenge of England ID card games. 

    35)  Put conditions to Europe union (EU) to kick England out of Europe union. 

    36) Collect all other missing issues, fulfill your wish and then start Oil production to world including USA but not England. For England only ‘Oil For Food” quota same way USA did for Iraq. This is technique is called “How to use USA”.

    This is complete instructions of  “Operation Dhamayathi”. I did as much I can, let me know what I can do for world. 
10) Finishing touch
First compare hand signs then catch real Kalki don’t catch false Kalki.
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