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I am Lord Kalki Avatar
నేను వీర భోగ వసంత రాయలు :: కల్కిఅవతార్
Do you know what is the real definition of "End Of World"?
Doomsday :: The last day of the world's existence.
Kalki Avatar is incarnation of God Vishnu and final Maha Vishnu Avatar to end Kali Yuga. In this website you will see information on the Kalki Avatar profile, Kalki Avatar story, Kalki Avatar activities and Kalki Avatar actions. Swastik means Sudarshan Chakra, when Swastik rotates it becomes Sudarshan Chakra also called Vishnu chakra, Swastik is my weapon. is my website and Swastik also call SriChakra. Kalki Avatar is reincarnation of Hitler. Hitler used Swastik and I am Kalki Avatar I am also using Swastik for New World Order. Hitler lived the role of Prophet "King of Jews", To scare Jews to push Jews from Europe to Israel (Jerusalem is Homeland for Jews as mentioned in Holy Bible) to create Jews Home Land Israel. read more in this website. Swastik Organization is Unregistered NGO and it is International Organization. is official website of Swastik Organization. My website causes “End Of KaliYuga", "Final World War" and "End of World Wide Corruptions". I have been executing Operation “Kalki” in the background since 31/May/2003 AD, 11:30 PM Pacific Standard Time, from today 08/March/2024 AD Operation “Kalki” executing openly. Please note: This website will be temporarily suspended from 15/May/2024 for a while, so download entire website file from "GDrive" and install in your computer. Please Share Website link to your friends and in groups and spread website link to world.
Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhist believe Kalki comes in End of World (Kali Yuga) Written in Hindu holy book and Kalki Purna. Muslims believe Isa Asalam comes in End of World, written Quran. Christians believe Jesus comes second time in End Of World Written in Bible. Don't you think all three personalities belongs to one person to end the world, Use brain this is simple logic. More predictions of end of world and year 2020 written in this website.
Hindus Holy Book Kalki Purna mentioned Kalki Avatar (Indirectly Lord Venkateshwara). Sikhs Holy Book Dasam Granth mentioned Kalki Avatar (Indirectly Guru Gobind Singh). Buddhists Holy Book Tripitakas mentioned Kalki Avatar as Maitreya. Christians Holy Book Bible mentioned Kalki Avatar as Second coming of Jesus. Muslims Holy Book Quran mentioned Kalki Avatar as Isa Asalam. Jews Holy Book Torah mentioned Kalki Avatar as return of King David. Other Religions Holy Books Mentioned Kalki Avatar directly or indirectly.
Nostradamus predicted that “King of terror” comes from the East, He controls the world and He rules the world. He is Kalki Avatar that is Lord Venkateshwara. Kalki (Lord Venkateshwara) will be from India and Kalki (Lord Venkateshwara) will be King of India by people support. So “India will be Richest Country” and “World Super power”. All corrupted people in entire world get fear after see Kalki actions. All country leaders and entire world people follow him. Worldwide people going to see world war 3 within few months lead by Kalki Avatar… For more information see in this website.
Some says Kali Yuga life cycle as 432,000 years what we are going through is 5000 years, so Kalki won’t come now, My answer is Arya Batta invented Zero, He took birth 2000 years ago, before Arya Batta invented Zero no one used Zero so what is the value of 432,000 years as you know it has zero in it, that means 432,000 years as different meaning.
Do you know what happens after Kali Yuga Ends again Satya Yuga starts and then Treta Yuga then Dwapara Yuga and again Kali Yuga starts. whatever happened in this Kali Yuga again happens in next Kali Yuga, again in next Kali Yuga you will take rebirth with same face and same activity will be happens what you did in your life same wife same parents same things happens. do you know next coming Yugas again Lord Rama - Lord Krishna will take rebirth. you won’t believe but it happens same things. so Kala Chakra repeats again and again that is miracle of God.
Last incarnation of God Kalki Avatar (Lord Venkateshwara) watching people in the world and he appear to the world in 100 days. Kalki Avatar terminate all evil people in the world. Kalki Avatar has another name that is Lord Venkateshwara. Lord Venkateshwara remove all religions in the world, in 10 years all Christians become Hindus. After Lord Venkateshwara appear in 100 days Muslims, Christians and other religions also follow Sanatana dharma. Christians and Muslims also goes to Thirulama Lord Venkateshwara temple. Lord Venkateshwara become King of Bharath country.
Think about future after end of world by simple Logic: I already said after Kali Yuga Satya Yuga comes so what will be the future of world in Satya Yuga. In Vedas mentioned In Satya Yuga human average height is 32 Feet’s, In Treta Yuga human average height is 22 feet’s, in Dwapara Yuga Human average height is 11 feet’s and Kali Yuga human average height is 5 feet’s. As I mentioned in Vedas after Kali Yuga Satya Yuga comes so all human height will be average 32 feet’s so all building in the world won’t fit for human because human can’t enter into buildings so all building in the world will be scrap. Not only building but also cars, trains, planes and all machines will be scrap and all technology will be scrap including money. In Satya Yuga those who work physically can get food to survive. End of world means everything will be scrape. Why you are working hard for too much money.
Lord Kalki Avatar is world leader mention in all religions books so Lord Kalki Avatar controls all religions people in entire world. Lord Kalki Avatar is from Hinduism and Hinduism is father of all religions. Every religion in the world connected to Hinduism. So at end of world all religions will be erased in the world and all people in entire world will accept Hinduism and become Hindus. In next world be Hinduism and practice Hinduism. I kept all evidence in this website please continue to read. So get mentally prepared to accept Hinduism. Share this website with your friends and groups.
Kalki Avatar is terrific figure and his diehard followers are terrorists from all religious in entire world. There are more than 10 Crore Kalki army exists in entire world. So India will get all wealth back from England which they have stolen from India with interest including Kohinoor Diamond. All defectors money will return back to India. All Indian corrupted people money from all over world will return back to India. All Indian money in Swiss Bank will come back to India. Inside India all corrupted people corruption money surrender to Government. People who not paid tax since 1947 will be collected by Government. All scam money will be recovered from corrupted people. People who escaped bank money by bank waiver will be collected back from them. Indian rupee value increases so worldwide countries will buy Indian bonds. US dollar value decreases and Indian rupee value increases so worldwide underworld people will have Indian currency in their hand. Drug dealers and smugglers will have rupee stacks in their hands. In India Gold will have duty free so all Indian all over world will get unlimited gold in to India. Worldwide countries will ban imports from China so there will be goods shortage in world. So companies all over world start companies in India and start manufacture in India. So there will be huge money flow in India to start companies in India. In future rupee value increases still Indian Government won’t devalue currency but Indian Government activate old currency like Dhamidi, Kaani, Half Anna, Anna, Beda, Pavalla, Half Rupee and Rupee so in future Indian currency Rs 2000, Rs 500 and Rs 200 will get ban and after few years Rs 100 get ban. Rs 10 will be highest valid currency in India.
This website is compatible in only Laptop and Desktop not in Mobile phone. I don’t have strength to advertise my website to reach people all over the world. I would want you to send my website link to your friends, your family and groups. Please send and make it viral , Thank you .... Regards Lord Kalki Avatar.
Which is Lord Venkateshwara Avatar in 10 Avatar of Vishnu, No one in the world don’t know that Lord Venkateshwara is final Avatar of Vishnu that is Kalki Avatar which is Vishnu 10th and final Avatar. Here I explain how is possible. Lord Venkateshwara wife name is Padma Devi and Kalki wife name is Padma Devi. But Padma Devi has only one life(Janma) from Satyayuga to Kaliyuga. Padma is Maha Devi who has many avatars in her. You may have question that Padma came in Lord Rama Avatar as Vedavathi, what about her life(Janma). The answer is Vedavathi came from fire, which is virtual image and physically didn’t appear to Lord Rama. Lord Rama told Vedavithi that I will marry you in Venkateshwara Avatar. Only Maha Vishnu Avatar can marry Maha Devi Avatar who is Padma Devi. Lord Venkateshwara has another name that is Lord Balaji. Lord Venkateshwara also called Srinivas which has Sri word in it that means Lord Venkateshwara is Vishnu Virat Roop that means Lord Venkateshwara is Vishnu Maha Avatar that means Kalki Vishnu Maha Avatar.
Kalki Avatar is Lord Venkateshwara and Lord Venkateshwara is Kalki Avatar
Incarnation of Lord Venkateshwara is Final Avatar of Vishnu who is Kalki Avatar
This is My (Kalki Avatar) Hand Signs (Kundali).
Name: "Venkata Dharma Veda Prakash" Alias "Kalki Avatar"
Date Of Birth: 22 June 1973 8:40 AM Birth Place :Hyderabad
Birth Star: Shatabhisha Nakshatra Fourth Pada
I started my work Since year 2003 when I was 30 years old and I am Immortal.
Where is Sudarshana Chakra and Shankam: Sudarshana Chakra also called Vishnu Chakra. In Kaliyuga Sudarshana Chakra represented as Swastik. Swastik is symbol of Sudarshana Chakra. When Swastik rotates speed then it becomes Sudarshana Chakra. So Swastik is symbol of Sudarshana Chakra. Om is not symbol but it is sound. Om is sound that comes from Shankam. So, Swastik and Om represents Sudarshana Chakra and Shankam. I do have Shankam in palm hand and Swastik in website. That is completeness of Sudarshana Chakra and Shankam.ra and Shankam.
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Final Great World War
Doomsday :: The last day of the world's existence.
In “End Of World” there will be final war all over the world which will be started by Kalki Avatar, This war will be final World War. Muslims call this war “Alami Jung” which happens in Qayamat mention in Holy Quran. Hindu call war Maha Pralayam in End of Kaliyuga mention in Hindus Holy books. Christians call this war Armageddon War in Judgment Days mention in Holy Bible. World war event is common for all religions but have different names. Sensitive information in this website provokes World War in this world.
Dear Visitors,
Subject: Instructions to read website
Warning: This website is extremely dangerous and be patience after you read. This website is
in depth research on holy books and research on God from starting Adam to Doomsday. This website designed for religious
leaders and scholars. Ordinary people can read but for controversial statements they should approach religious leaders or
scholars to clarify statements. This website information leads World War 3. Entire website made by single person that is
me Nostradamus’s 3rd Antichrist.
End Of World events already started in the world starting with Corona Virus and next floods and
other world disasters. This website need hundreds of servers in hosting plan to reach worldwide people demand to visit
website, Purchasing hundreds of servers is expensive for me. Please support my work. Since End Of world events started
let your friends also enjoy by reading my website, So forward my website to your friends and groups.
Please support my work.
Please check my records in following Govt Departments
1) Indian Central Home Ministry.
2) Telangana DGP Office.
3) USA FBI and Livermore Police.
4) German Police “Internet watch of the Berlin police”.
Those who want this website get ban then give complaint to Fozzy web hosting company. If this website get ban then you won’t find copy of this website in world wide web and worldwide more than 10 millions extremists will be out of control. As you know I am bad boy, I urge you please ban this website.
היטלר הוא מלךהיהודים הנביא
Hitler is Prophet King of Jews Hitler ist Prophet, König der Juden
Why Hitler used swastik? Why Hitler crucified 6 million Jews in Europe in his era? why Hitler went for world war 2? Why Hitler behaved like mad man? Where Hitler went after World War 2? There are many mystery questions on Hitler, I answered all questions on Hitler in Chapter 4 in this website please scroll down and read chapter 4 or click below picture to go to chapter 4. Hitler played role of “Prophet King Of Jews” to scare Jews in Europe to push Jews from Europe to Jerusalem (Israel) to make Israel homeland to Jews, before Hitler took power Jews never had homeland Jerusalem (Israel) after Hitler left Jews have homeland Jerusalem (Israel). Giving Jerusalem (Israel) home land to Jews is role of “Prophet King Of Jews”. Please read Chapter 4 till than be patient.
Aryans are superior Race; yes it is true here Aryan word is from Sanskrit Language. Aryans means Noble person. Whatever Aryans do justified because Aryans means Noble person. Whatever Noble person do justified because Noble person means nice people, So Aryans are superior Race. Hitler did made arrangements and Jews got homeland Jerusalem (Israel), my arrangements will make Jews to construct 3rd Jewish Temple. I hope Hitler dead body solves Jews 3rd Jewish Temple.
Kalki Avatar is reincarnation of Hitler.
Hitler Soul and Kalki Avatar Soul are the same.
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Jo Bole So Nihal :: Sat Sri Akal
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
I asked some Sikhs that others religions holy books mention "End of the World", do Sikhs holy book mention about "End of the World". They told no, not mention in our holy book. But there is something call Dasam Granth, one Sikh told Kalki Avatar mention in Dasam Granth. If Sikhs had done research on Kalki Avatar in Dasam Granth then they would have know about "End of the World". Who is Gobind Singh Guru or God? Answer you will find in Islam text. Islam says that prophet Muhammad is last Prophet in the world, Only Prophet (and also God) has authority deliver holy books not messenger of God not even Guru don't have authority deliver holy books. God can be Guru but not all guru can be God. So Gobind Singh gave Sikhs Holy Book “Guru Granth Sahib”, but he can't be prophet because prophet Muhammad is last Prophet and Guru can't deliver holy books. So Gobind Singh is God and whatever statement you find in Guru Granth Sahib are word of God Gobind Singh. God Gobind Singh not incarnated on earth but he came from heaven. Only non idol worshipers supreme god comes from heaven. Sikhism is merge of idol and non-idol worshipers. Gobind Singh is from heaven and he took birth in last world. Guru Gobind was a Kalki Avatar in last world. He went to heaven after last world End Of World and he came from heaven in this world as a Abraham, Musa, Isa Assalam, Al Ali (prophet cloned from God flesh say DNA and prophet replaced by God and rule people). God Gobind Singh Blood DNA genetic genes is from East Godavari. This genetic genes man rules India and ruled world in last world and same genetic genes man ruled world from Adam to doomsday from heaven. Same genetic genes man will be Head of Solar System, Head of Galaxy and later Head of Universe. So visit East Godavari-Razolu-Doddavaram-Kandallapalem walk on green fields and eat well and return. Why Gobind Singh gave importance last place near Godavari in Nanded why not near Ganga or Sindu river.
Regarding Guru Nanak he is just Guru not God. Guru Nanak went to heaven same as Prophet Mohammad did, and came back earth after disappear. Guru Nanak was a student of Gobind singh and became first guru of Sikhs but virtually Gobind Singh is first Guru and eleventh Guru. Guru Nanak learned all holy books, Vedas, people mind reading, face reading, preaching methods, other language understanding in heaven. One second of earth time is equal to millions seconds in heaven. Guru Nanak stayed in heaven many years. Nobody in the world learn many art in three earth days . I Venkata too many years to learn and still learning . Hitler took more than 10 years to understand holy books and later continued to rule Germany. When internet make simple to learning now how in those days learn in 3 days. What is the specialty of holy books if person learn in three days when holy books knowledge is big big ocean from creation of space creation to dooms day. What happen to Guru Nanak dead body. zoroastrianism religion method followed by angels. So far I didn't write anything about zoroastrianism religion in this website, this is entry point of zoroastrianism religion in this website.
I separated parts in "khanda" to push Sikhs for justice in Judgment days. Only I have authority to divide "khanda". Now virtually I divided "khanda" now Sikhs will have "Khalsa Ki Fateh". Prove that "One Sikh equal to one lakh men". I have not done anything to "Ik Onkar". Other groups in my organization give hand to "Jalian Wala Bhag" settlement then you give your hand to other groups in my organization for their settlement. Say "WaheGobind Ji Ka Khalsa WaheGobind Ji Ki Fateh" once to dedicate God Gobind and then you use "Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh". Bhagat Singh did incident with Yajuj Majuj, in his exprement he want to give soft message to Yajuj Majuj but he gave his head hair to Yajuj Majuj hands. So Yajuj Majuj played games and gave mental torture to Bhagat Singh and all Indians. Don't give soft message to Yajuj Majuj because they are not soft. Follow KD Bose (Khudiram Bose) formula, simple walk, simple drop, walk simply, forget incident and do your work, later restart. So follow KD Bose formula don't go for soft message to Yajuj Majuj. Don't you want take settlement on insulting Kachera underwear by Yajuj Majuj, Jalian Wala Bhag other hidden incidents?
Oye Punjabi Munda Bale Bale ...
"अपुन मदरसी अकीर करके दिकाना"
wait and see results.
Wahe Raba Gobind Ji Ka Khalsa Wahe Raba Gobind Ji Ki Fateh
Kalki Avatar is shade of Guru Gobind Singh.
Guru Gobind Singh Soul and Kalki Avatar Soul are the copy.
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الله له 100 اسم ، والله الخفي هو آل عمران
اللہ کے 100 نام ہیں ، اللہ کا پوشیدہ نام آل عمران ہے۔
Allah has 100 names, Allah's hidden name is Al Imran
Holy Koran says in Qayamat Moon splits, some Muslims says it was happen long ago Prophet Mohammad time done by Prophet but Koran mention that it happens in Qayamat time I mean in Judgement Days. Below picture is real definition of Moon Split in Qayamat and explanation will be written in future in this website till than be patient.
[Key: Moon Split + 786 Symbols = Four Dimension Object]
Yawm al-Qiyamah : The Day of Judgement is to be God's final assessment of humanity. The sequence of events is the annihilation of all creatures, resurrection of the body, and the judgement of all sentient creatures. It is a time where everyone would be shown his or her deeds and actions with justice. Prophet Muhammad is last "Prophet" of this world but he is not Last "Messenger Of God". Try to know difference between “Prophet” and “Messenger Of God”. Prophet does same work as Messenger Of God but he has extra work i.e. delivery of Holy Book but Messenger Of God can’t delivery of Holy Book. Prophet Muhammad is not Kalki Avatar, if he was Kalki Avatar then World would have ended 1500 years back but world didn’t end but continued for last 1500 years. Kalki Avatar work connected to "End Of The World" and Jesus appear at "End Of The World" that means Kalki Avatar connected Jesus that means both are same person Kalki is Jesus and Jesus is Kalki.
قيامات كا زلزلة
Earth Tremble Of Last Days
భూ ప్రళయం
पृथ्वी प्रलयम
ਕਿਆਮਤ ਸੰਸਾਰ ਦਾਅੰਤ
:: Erdzittern der letzten Tage am Ende der Welt
"Qayamat Ka Zalzala" will be happens in final days that is in Judgment days started by Dajjal. Reason behind "Qayamat Ka Zalzala" is souls wish starting from Adam to End of world. Many souls are crying for Justice to be done. God had been holding crying souls in hand till Judgment days, and this is the time God releasing all crying souls from his hands for Judgement and crying Souls act aggressively that causes incidents in "Qayamat Ka Zalzala". Some actions in "Qayamat Ka Zalzala" caused by God in heaven, some actions in "Qayamat Ka Zalzala" caused by God in heaven and Kalki diehard fans and some actions in "Qayamat Ka Zalzala" caused by only Kalki's diehard fans. As I mention before that all souls will merges with God soul which is Sri Soul.
In Judgment Days (Qayamat Days) : There will be much more natural disasters all over the world. People all over the world scared by natural disasters and run left and right. If floods and heat wave caused by global warming then how earthquake, Volcano comes along with floods. In next 6 months there will be huge natural disasters all over the world. There will be food scarcity all over the world. There will huge people die in all over the world.
Human Abnormal Behavior : In next 6 months there will be tremendous Human Abnormal Behavior changes in all over the world. Man become female and female become man because hormones changes. Newly born Kids start talking, Blind people start see and other nonfunctional organs start function. Tran ganders becomes normal persons. Humans talk like animals and animals talk like humans. Some humans will have animal’s qualities. Many people all over the world die suddenly without any reason, it will be sudden death.
Wonders in Sky : In next 6 months there will be tremendous changes and wonders in sky in all over the world. In some places in the world people see strange shapes of light, strange sounds in sky. In space you will see strange signals and wonders in space.
Unusual Weather : In next 6 months there will be tremendous weather changes in all over the world. In winter you feel like summer and in summer you feel like winter and rainy season. In Rainy season you see like winter and summer. This will be strange weather conditions in the world. Plants and trees gives fruits in different season.
Strange Sounds : In next 6 months there will be tremendous strange sounds in forest, on earth, in sky in all over the world. People run after seeing strange sounds. Animals run away from the forest after seeing strange sound many animals comes to villages and cities.
Animal Abnormal Behavior : In next 6 months there will be tremendous changes in animals behavior in all over the world. Some non-vegetarians animals start eating vegetarian food and some vegetarian animals start eating non vegetarian food. Some animals start giving other type animal voice. There will be strange sounds in forest so all animals run away from forest and come to villages and cities and start living in villages and cities. Humans scare to come out of house. In 6 months there will be tremendous changes in animal’s behavior in all over the world.
Trees Abnormal Behavior : In next 6 months there will be tremendous changes in trees and plants behavior in all over the world. Some trees becomes animal’s eaters. Some trees and plants instead of giving own fruits and flowers it gives other trees fruits and flowers. Some plants grows like trees and some plants grow like trees. Some trees leafs change green colors to other color. Some trees bleed strange liquid and some trees bleed blood. In 6 months there will be tremendous changes in trees and plants behavior in all over the world.
Judgments in "Qayamat Ka Zalzala"
Judgment between Soul and Person.
Judgment between Soul and Group.
Judgment between Soul and Religion.
Judgment between Soul and Country.
Judgment between Soul and World.
Kalki Avatar is shade of Hazrat Al Ali.
Hazrat Al Ali Soul and Kalki Avatar Soul are the copy.
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By based on Bible Christians believe that Jesus comes second time in Judgment days that is at end of Kaliyuga, So Jesus second come is Kalki Avatar who is Vishnu Maha Avatar. So what is the future of Christianity after Jesus comes, Jesus will remove Christianity religion because 2000 years ago Jesus never told to start Christianity religion but small group of people started Christianity religion. Christians treat cross as Christianity religion symbol because Jesus crucified on cross. What if Jesus crucified on hanging rope than do Christians believe Christianity religion symbol is hanging rope? Well time has come all Christians go back to your old religion. Observe below picture
notice 1,5 and 6 pictures, picture 1 is symbol of fish, in entire world some Christians treat fish is holy symbol, Fish symbole came from Lord Vishnu Matsya Avatar. Picture 5 is symbol Axe, this symbol is popular in Europe, Axe symbol came from Lord Vishnu Padusuram Avatar and picture 6 is symbol of Skull. This symbol is popular in Russia, this Skull symbol came from Lord Shiva. For more detail scroll down read 40 chapters.
Bible says something about "Seven Seals of Revelation" which is going to open seals one by one in Judgement days (in end of Kaliyuga) by Jesus (Kalki Avatar). Today I announce that I already started open seals one by one recently. World going to see Judgement days events. Corona virus in world is effect of four horse man which is part of "Seven Seals of Revelation" in Bible. Soon worldwide people going to see wars all over the world and wonders in sky. For more details search "Seven Seals of Revelation in Bible”.
Above picture is more description of "Seven Seals of Revelation" as mention in Bible, above picture is not in order but each seal opening order are mention in numbers. Some Christians says "Seven Seals of Revelation" opens by Satan but if you observe above picture that is 7th picture is Rapture taking place that means good people air lifted to heaven, if Satan opens "Seven Seals of Revelation" then how Rapture takes place that means "Seven Seals of Revelation" opens by Jesus (Kalki Avatar) that means Lord Venkateshwara. There are two types of Raptures are there in Judgement days. First Rapture comes in initial days of Judgement days and other Rapture comes at end of Judgement days. Initial Qayamat Rapture meant for evil people who violate holy books they will air lifted for one day to hell as you know one day of earth human life is equals to millions of years in Hell place. How do you think nice people Rapture to heaven when Qayamat running as you know people will have to go through entire Qayamat and at end Nice people Rapture to see God Of Heaven. (Bible says :: “We who are alive .. Will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in Air..(1 Thess 4:17), then people go to new land where God rule the new land. So who and how many people want Rapture? When a human going through 100 years is difficult and feel long time how evil people bare millions of years in Hell and evil people won’t die in Hell. After hell treatment all evil people come back to earth same day. So life cycle of family on earth won’t be effected it is just like one day evil people tour to Hell. So good luck to evil people journey to Hell so have great trip in Raptures in Judgement Days. So who want Raptures? Below picture is Four Hoarse men as mention in “Seven Seals of Revelation" in Bible. More description of Four Hoarse man described below.
Corona Virus which you see in the world is affect of “4 horsemen” read “4 horsemen” in mentioned Bible Book, so search in internet “4 horsemen” for more details, From above picture First horse is diseases all over the world (Corona effect) second horse is hunger in world, Scarcity of food in entire world and third horse represent bloodshed and war all over world, forth horse represent Kalki Avatar (Jesus) rule world. Entire events in Judgement days (End of Kali Yuga) described small picture that is "Seven Seals of Revelation".
Potuluri Veera Brahmam prediction on Koranki (CoronaVirus) disease.
4 Horsemen seals exists in Seven Seals of Revelation in Bible. In 4 Horsemen Pale horse seal causes diseases on the earth. I open Pale horse seal in Seven Seals of Revelation in mid of year 2019. Two months later Corona Virus started in China and spread all over the world and many people dies and caused problems to many people. In Jan 2023 I kept back Pale horse seal in Seven Seals of Revelation then later corona virus got controlled all over the world. On 1 Aug 2023 again I opened Pale horse seal in Seven Seals of Revelation then two months later many virus started in earth. This time more people die in world more than what corona virus did. This virus spread continue until I keep back Pale horse seal in Seven Seals of Revelation. I open war horseman seal in Seven Seals of Revelation later so Ukraine and Russia started, this will continue until I keep back war horseman seal back in Seven Seals of Revelation.
Many Christians in the world know relation between Jesus and Mary Magdalene but they don’t like to talk about relation between Jesus and Mary Magdalene. The truth is Mary Magdalene is wife of Jesus. The way Jesus took birth in lost world Mary Magdalene also took birth in last world. In this world Jesus took the birth same way Mary Magdalene also took birth in this world. In above picture you can see Mona Lisa picture, that picture drawn by “Leonardo da Vinci” 400 years back. After 400 years Mary Magdalene took birth in British Royal family, her name is "Lady Marina Windsor". You tally Mona Lisa picture with "Lady Marina Windsor" picture. "Lady Marina Windsor" is one shade of Padme. "Lady Marina Windsor" will be wife of Kalki. Kalki purna says “Kalki marry Padma from Lanka”, here Lanka is England Island. Here Padma has many shades. Lanka’s Padma is one shade of many shades of Padma. Different shades of Padma come from different places in the world. Leonardo da Vinci draw picture 400 years back, someone gave name Mona Lisa but her real name is Mary Magdalene, Mary Magdalene is wife of Jesus. Leonardo da Vinci draw picture Mona Lisa picture 400 years before she took birth, Mary Magdalene shade took rebirth 1992, she is relative of lanka that is England i.e British royal family, and her name is "Lady Marina Windsor" search in Google. The question is what “Mary Magdalene” has to do with British Royal Family? There is something call “Holy Grail” Christians doing research for last 2000 years and still doing. 2000 years back “Mary Magdalene” was wife of Jesus and she had daughter through Jesus. After Jesus left from the earth “Mary Magdalene” took her daughter along “Holy Grail” and went to Europe. British Royal Dynasty started through “Mary Magdalene’s” daughter dynasty. Now “Holy Grail” is in England. You can see “Holy Grail” art picture in Nostradamus art pictures.
Kalki Avatar is shade of Yahova Jesus.
Yahova Jesus Soul and Kalki Avatar Soul are the copy.
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I am Venkata, personally I don’t have any enemy but my Swastik Organization has enemy. Swastik Organization's enemy is total system in entire world which is corrupted. My intention to create Swastik Organization is to correct entire system in entire world. Swastik Organization has many groups and each group has own name and huge members. Swastik Organization has extremists groups, jihadists groups , revolutions groups, spy agencies and expert hackers from all over world. Since Swastik Organization merge of many groups then Swastik Organization is world biggest Organization ever formed before in world history and never will form such a big Organization in future in world. I have been doing this work Since 01/June/2003 and now work is completed. My Complete work done through online Internet. If any incident happens in any place in world by any group then they won’t claim but Swastik Organization name comes out. Groups in Swastik Organization very much competitive to other groups in same Organization. All men in Swastik Organization are invisible but work will be done. I wish to correct entire system in entire world.
Swastik Organization 10 Commandments everyone in the world must follow.
01) Don’t worship me but worship God in Heaven, I am same as you are.
02) You shouldn’t talk lie and don’t allow others to talk lie.
03) You should have control over "Lust, Anger, Greed, Ego, Jealousy"
04) You should respect other religions people other cast people and tribal people.
05) You should read judgment days text of all religious books which are common to all.
06) You must learn at least four all seasons ancient art of living along modern technologies.
07) You should have at least moderate knowledge from Adam to Dooms days.
08) You should in a position give punishment on wrong people by based on past actions.
09) By end of judgment days you should be in a position to move race origin place in the world.
10) All members must obey supreme orders for “New World Order”.
2000 years old Jesus picture From BBC News, below is the link.
How Second Coming of Jesus face look like, Second Coming of Jesus face must look like 2000 years old Jesus picture. It is blood cloth image, Go and varify my image and DNA with 2000 years old blood image on cloth. USA agency has my blood samples, they collected from me when I was in Jail in USA. Verify for DNA matching, good luck. World (Kaliyuga) already ended before and many time, all Jesus has same blood DNA match and same face.
Now basic information for Swastik Organization is completed and you won’t see updates in this website till Nazi (النازعات :: Koran 79 :: An NaziAt) Will Rise Again. Once Nazi (النازعات :: Koran 79 :: An NaziAt) Will Rise Again then I start update website. What you see website now is basic data. I have four times of basic data ready in portable hard and ready to update website any time after Nazi (النازعات :: Koran 79 :: An NaziAt) Will Rise Again. Total data size in portable hard disk is near 2TB. This data collected since year 2003 all future updates of website will be
developed from this 2TB data. This 2TB data is copyable and shareable for analysis. Page which you reading now is interdiction page which has small description of Kalki Avatar, below this page you will find another page which has 39 chapters and each chapter contains more description of complete information. Scroll down for 39 chapters and click on right side images for chapters. When Nazi
(النازعات :: Koran 79 :: An NaziAt) Will Rise Again then there will be many and strong serial human incidents and incidents from God from heaven all over the world that shake the world.
Second Come of Jesus (Bible)
Kalki Avatar (Hindu Holy Book).
Hazrat Isa Asalam (Koran)
سورة القيامة
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My final words, work started by "Jalian Wala Bhag" word and stopping work by word with "Jalian Wala Bhag". You won't find updates for 4 months or more time. If your life gets death then soul will have a new life in next Janmma. I have new life after Hitler death, Hitler life is my past life. Nostradamus wrote something about evidence on incarnation life. I will away from website work for 4 months or more than that, assume I am practicing Mouna Vratham [Telugu language]. Sine's from Heaven already started from Corona virus, floods and disasters, Now Groups in Swastik Organization turn to start for “Qayamat Ka Zalzala”. Final date is 14/Aug/2021 to finish my script writing in this website with word “Jalian Wala Bhag" and with my signature. I gave "Holy Books script Supari" to all groups in Swastik Organization. Let groups in my organization start holy war, worldwide people going to see my life and my work in movie then people see which group did dare to start "Kick Start", which group stand idle like "Hijra" and which group in my organization run away like "Chicken". Everything is recorded.
Me, I am rebirth of Hitler.
I am shade of Hazrat Al Ali (36).
I am shade of Gobind Singh.
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ॐ आ देखे ज़रा किसमे कितना है दम जमके रखना कदम, मेरे साथिया 卍
Swastik Organization is merging of all extremist organizations in the world.
Unten sind meine eingefleischten Fans
हरे दीवानो, मुजेह पहचानो,
कहां से आया, मैं हूं कौन,
में हूं में, मैं हूं कौन?
दज्जाल दज्जल दज्जाल दज्जल।
In Kaliyuga definition "Satan is not Satan and Devatha is not Devatha".
कटना हेथो हमसे सीखो
Affect of Indian Mujahedeen in India and The World,
How Indian Mujahideen formed in India from when started, How Indian Mujahideen became new version of global Islamic State and controlling World from Hyderabad / India. Al Baghdadi Version of ISIS different than Indian Mujahideen version Islamic State. Do “IS-K” full form means “Islamic State Khorasan” or “Islamic State Kalki”. For more details Scroll down and Read Chapter 32 Chapter 32 for details on Indian Mujahedeen and IS-K.
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Swastik Organization work result: Worldwide conventional warfare doesn’t solve all world problems but Swastik Organization warfare solves almost all world problems. Worldwide conventional warfare doesn’t solve world poverty problems but Swastik Organization warfare solves world poverty problems. Worldwide conventional warfare doesn’t solve world food problems but Swastik Organization warfare solves world food problems. Worldwide conventional warfare doesn’t solve world religious problems but Swastik Organization warfare solves world religious problems. Worldwide conventional warfare doesn’t solve world country border problems but Swastik Organization warfare solves world country border problems. Worldwide conventional warfare doesn’t solve world corruption problems but Swastik Organization warfare solves world corruption problems. Worldwide conventional warfare doesn’t solve world terrarium problems but Swastik Organization warfare solves world terrarium problems. Worldwide conventional warfare doesn’t solve world health problems but Swastik Organization warfare solves world health problems. Worldwide conventional warfare doesn’t solve world resources problems but Swastik Organization warfare solves world resources problems. Worldwide conventional warfare doesn’t solve world water problems but Swastik Organization warfare solves world water problems. Worldwide conventional warfare doesn’t solve world religious problems but Swastik Organization warfare solves world religious problems. Worldwide conventional warfare is expensive but Swastik Organization warfare is inexpensive. Worldwide financial warfare is disastrous but Swastik Organization financial warfare is optimal. Worldwide conventional warfare causes huge destruction but Swastik Organization warfare causes less destruction. Worldwide conventional warfare causes death of huge civilians but Swastik Organization warfare causes death of less civilians. Swastik Organization worldwide army including hackers are ready to attack mode what for world waiting.
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Second Come of Jesus (Bible)
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